[mrtg] Re: Monitoring Win2k from FreeBSD
Koelstra, J. (Jan)
JKoelstra at MINSZW.NL
Mon May 2 09:52:16 MEST 2005
Hi Laurence,
Two additions:
Your bulkwalk returns ...9600.
It seems in your config you have lost the .48
Graphing a percentage requires 'Gauge' at the options line. If not MRTG will compute the rate per second which will result in only zero's in the graphs.
-----Original Message-----
From: mrtg-bounce at list.ee.ethz.ch [mailto:mrtg-bounce at list.ee.ethz.ch] On Behalf Of Garth K. Williams
Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2005 4:22 AM
To: 'Laurence Sanford'; mrtg at list.ee.ethz.ch
Subject: [mrtg] Re: Monitoring Win2k from FreeBSD
Laurence. Go to www.snmp-informant.com, and then select support and knowledge-base, and then choose the new one I put there last night. You can download a ZIP of MRTG config files for Windows 2000 for use with SNMP Informant. You'll just have to change the OIDs, since the config files in the zip are based on the Advanced version and not the Standard version which is what you are using.
The real issue is that your CPU target[]: line needs 2 OID strings, not one.
Target[XYZ]: OID1&OID2:SNMP_community at IP_Address
Make OID1 and OID2 the same, or set one to % Privileged Time and the other to % User Time. That's what I do!
-----Original Message-----
From: mrtg-bounce at list.ee.ethz.ch [mailto:mrtg-bounce at list.ee.ethz.ch] On Behalf Of Laurence Sanford
Sent: Saturday, April 30, 2005 3:21 PM
To: mrtg at list.ee.ethz.ch
Subject: [mrtg] Monitoring Win2k from FreeBSD
I would like to monitor at least the CPU load on a pair of win2k
computers I have on my network. I am already monitoring traffic from
both. I have looked high and low, and tried a multitude of mibs to get
this information from the win boxes via SNMP, but been unsuccessful so
far. While I can snmpbulkwalk from FreeBSD with this command and get
root at devel(/usr/local/etc/mrtg)# snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c public SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9600. =
Gauge32: 63 SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9600. =
Gauge32: 0
I can't seem to make anything about getting this information please
MRTG. I get errors and blank graphs reguardless of what I try. Here are
the current traffic entries for these two machines, both of which work,
as well as a commented out failed attempt at a cpu monitor on one of the
machines from my mrtg.cfg file:
Target[]: 16777219:public at
SetEnv[]: MRTG_INT_IP=""
MaxBytes[]: 1250000
Options[]: logscale
XSize[]: 600
YSize[]: 200
Title[]: Traffic Analysis for 16777219 -- SAMSON
PageTop[]: <H1>Traffic Analysis for 16777219 --
<TR><TD>System:</TD> <TD>SAMSON in Indian Hill</TD></TR>
<TR><TD>Maintainer:</TD> <TD>root</TD></TR>
<TR><TD>Description:</TD><TD>KTI-ET32/Px-Adapter. </TD></TR>
<TR><TD>ifType:</TD> <TD>ethernetCsmacd (6)</TD></TR>
<TR><TD>ifName:</TD> <TD></TD></TR>
<TR><TD>Max Speed:</TD> <TD>1250.0 kBytes/s</TD></TR>
<TR><TD>Ip:</TD> <TD> ()</TD></TR>
#Target[]: at
#MaxBytes[]: 100
#Title[]: CPU LOAD
#PageTop[]: <H1>Active CPU Load %</H1>
#Unscaled[]: ymwd
#ShortLegend[]: %
#YLegend[]: CPU Utilization
#Legend1[]: Active CPU in % (Load)
#LegendI[]: Active
#Options[]: growright,nopercent
#XSize[]: 600
#YSize[]: 200
Target[]: 16777219:public at
SetEnv[]: MRTG_INT_IP=""
MaxBytes[]: 12500000
Options[]: logscale
XSize[]: 600
YSize[]: 200
Title[]: Traffic Analysis for 16777219 -- BEAUTY
PageTop[]: <H1>Traffic Analysis for 16777219 --
<TR><TD>System:</TD> <TD>BEAUTY in Indian Hill</TD></TR>
<TR><TD>Maintainer:</TD> <TD>root</TD></TR>
<TR><TD>ifType:</TD> <TD>ethernetCsmacd (6)</TD></TR>
<TR><TD>ifName:</TD> <TD></TD></TR>
<TR><TD>Max Speed:</TD> <TD>12.5 MBytes/s</TD></TR>
<TR><TD>Ip:</TD> <TD> ()</TD></TR>
Can anyone point me the right direction on this problem? I've look at
all of the windows SNMP pages I can find, gone over the manual with a
fine toothed comb, but still come up missing something. Thanks in advance.
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