[mrtg] Addition of counter and gauge targets

Francesco Ferreri f.ferreri at namex.it
Fri Apr 20 15:16:27 CEST 2007

Hi all,
we have to compute the sum of the traffic flowing through several network 
interfaces, some of these interfaces can not be queried by SNMP, but they are 
defined as a GAUGE target taking its values from an external Perl script.

Is it possible to define a target which is the overall sum of COUNTER and GAUGE 
targets ? We tried to setup an example configuration:

Target[target1]: `/home/ferreri/projects/mrtg/target.pl`
Options[target1]: growright,gauge,nopercent,bits
Target[target2]: 2:community at router:
Options[target2]: growright,nopercent,bits
Target[target_sum]:`/home/ferreri/projects/mrtg/target.pl`+2:community at router:
Options[target_sum]: growright,nopercent,bits

but it seems that obtained values are completely wrong.

Any hints ?

Best regards,
Francesco Ferreri

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