[mrtg] Chart never moves.

Gary W. Smith gary at primeexalia.com
Mon Feb 5 17:17:39 CET 2007


That does makes sense.  I know I encountered this problem long ago but I
just couldn't remember how to fix it.  In this case, where the interface
will only go up (soon to be TB range), what should I use for Maxbytes?
Is there a way to say nomaxbytes?  

The current workaround (since the IF is limited to 10mb for this set),
is to just subtract 7fff ffff from the value in a loop until it drops to
a sane number and it seems to work.  I had to take absolute out of the
options and the subtraction method works (thought this is a very bad
kludge workaround).

I will spin up a second copy of this and try it with an arbitrarily
large Maxvalue and run them side by side for a while to compare.


-----Original Message-----
From: Koelstra, J. (Jan) [mailto:JKoelstra at MINSZW.NL] 
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 12:46 AM
To: Gary W. Smith; Ed LaFrance; mrtg at lists.oetiker.ch
Subject: RE: [mrtg] Chart never moves.


Nothing wrong with long longs.
The Maxbytes value in your config file is too low.

Everything above the maxbyts value is dropped by MRTG.



-----Original Message-----
From: mrtg-bounces at lists.oetiker.ch
[mailto:mrtg-bounces at lists.oetiker.ch] On Behalf Of Gary W. Smith
Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2007 6:11 PM
To: Ed LaFrance; mrtg at lists.oetiker.ch
Subject: Re: [mrtg] Chart never moves.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ed LaFrance [mailto:Ed.LaFrance at newmediaems.com]
> Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2007 7:25 AM
> To: Gary W. Smith; mrtg at lists.oetiker.ch
> Subject: Re: [mrtg] Chart never moves.

> Hello -

> Are you running mrtg at regular intervals? This is typically done with

> the config directive RunAsDaemon (or something like that, check the

> docs), or simply by invoking mrtg every X minutes via a cron job.

> Ed


Yes, I have it cron'd for every 5 minutes.  The problem seems to be
dealing with long long's.  I worked up in the perl script to subtract
4294967296 until it's lower than 4294967296.  That kind of works but I
had odd results.  I tried the same with 2147483647 (I case it was dying
on signed longs) and it also gave me some odd data).

This is with mrtg-2.15.0.  Should this be able to handle long longs?


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