[mrtg] get mrtg-ping-probe

Peter W. Osel pwo at qimonda.com
Tue May 22 20:18:01 CEST 2007

Hello Alvaro,

> *** Alvaro Cornejo <cornejo.alvaro at gmail.com>
> *** [2007-05-22 11:22:04]:
> mrtg-ping-probe. Hoewever it seems that its ftp site is down. I'm
> unable to download the file.

should be working again real soon now, migrating to some new servers.

> Can anyone send me that file?

send to you directly.

> I've been running it since several years ago and we are moving from
> Windows to Linux and the ping-probe I have (202) does have a bug
> getting the ping summary .

When moving to Linux, you might want to look into Tobi's smokeping

waaayyyy cooool ...  a little bit more work to setup initially, but
well worth the effort!


Peter W. Osel			eMail: pwo at Qimonda.COM
Principal Development Systems	Phone: +1.919.677.6333
Qimonda North America Corp.	Cell : +1.408.348.6735
3000 CentreGreen Way		eFax : +1.804.952.3905
Cary, NC 27513, USA		www  : http://pwo.de/

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