[mrtg] how to have fix value in mrtg output

Nelson Serafica ntserafica at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 19 03:07:19 CET 2007

I need to dump the current in/out to a text file every 5 minutes. I already create script but the problem is mrtg provide output in a different value. Sometimes it is in kb/s. Sometimes it is in b/s. I need it to be fix. I need to sort the traffic by kb/s/ 

See the ff:


In      16.0 kb/s (0.0%)         2824.0 b/s (0.0%)      5640.0 b/s (0.0%)  --> Need to be parse to kb/s
Out     417.9 kb/s (0.4%)     77.8 kb/s (0.1%)     140.0 kb/s (0.1%)


In      16.0 kb/s (0.0%)         2.8 kb/s (0.0%)      5.6 kb/s (0.0%)

Out     417.9 kb/s (0.4%)     77.8 kb/s (0.1%)     140.0 kb/s (0.1%)

Can anyone advise?


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