[mrtg] OIDs changing.

Gaurav Ghimire gaurav at subisu.net.np
Mon Sep 3 12:20:54 CEST 2007

Well that would do for the interface's statistics I guess but what I am
facing here is. I have to graph MRTG for the values such as No of modems
online, The RF peripherals, in the device so I guess there isn't anything
except OIDs that I can use.

lets say as the ifindex has ifindex.1 ifindex.2 and so on for the
interfaces..I have a few MIBs that also has .1 .2 etc as the leaf OIDs for
them...and after reboots they are changing I had not had this type of
experiences before...

> To avoid problems with broken graphs MRTG offers some methods to identify
> the right oid.

I had identified the correct OID for the ones I have been graphing.
Identifying the right OID wont help I guess because though the OID is
identified and is polled, the leaf OID that contains the values are
changed across reboots. So if I graph a correct OID and after a reboot the
leaf OID changes than I think I will get errors for sure.

Someone did recommend me to use "snmp-server ifindex persist" in my
devices...I want to know does that help me with the changing OIDs.



> 	-----Original Message-----
> 	From: mrtg-bounces at lists.oetiker.ch
> [mailto:mrtg-bounces at lists.oetiker.ch] On Behalf Of gaurav
> 	Sent: Friday, August 31, 2007 9:11 PM
> 	To: mrtg at lists.oetiker.ch
> 	Subject: [mrtg] OIDs changing.
> 	Dear all,
> 	Recently I was amazed to see few things in the devices I was using MRTG
> for.
> 	First, I have two cisco uBR 7200 with same IOS version and same model but
> the OIDs in them for same datas to are to be retrieved are different in
> the leaf OIDs whereas the branch OID is the same.
> 	i mean if was for one than
> was for the other..
> 	Second thing is one of the device got automatically rebooted because of
> some power failure lately, and i was unable to see MRTG graphs for few of
> the datas polled. Upon further diagnose i found that the leaf OIDs have
> increased with two
> 	i mean if was the OID that was polled than after
> the reboot it wasnt existing and was the one
> that was providing the necessary values.
> 	Has any one came across this type of situations before...please do
> share..
> 	Does the OIDs get changed so abnormally or is it because of some faults
> in the device.
> 	TIA,
> 	Gaurav
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Gaurav Ghimire
Support Dept.
Subisu Cablenet Pvt. Ltd.
Baluwatar, Kathmandu.

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