[mrtg] WARNING: Could not match host

Steve Shipway s.shipway at auckland.ac.nz
Fri Feb 1 21:45:42 CET 2008

WARNING: Could not match host:'public@<IP>:::2' ref:'Descr' key:'ATM3/0'

This means that MRTG, when using the SNMP2 community string 'public' on the device <IP>, could not find an interface with a description of 'ATM3/0' as specified in your MRTG .cfg file.
This might be because this interface description does not exist, or the community string is wrong, or your host does not have access to query the device.
MRTG can try to identify which interface to retrieve statistics on in a number of different ways. You have specified (in the cfg file) to do it by attempting to match Interface Description, so if you change these descriptions in any way (EG by adding or removing interface boards)  then the configuration may no longer work.
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