[mrtg] MRTG/RRD Intermittent Graphs

Koelstra, J. (Jan) JKoelstra at MINSZW.NL
Mon Feb 4 17:51:14 CET 2008

Some more questions before getting to an answer:
You mention "Updated software". Does this refer to new OS version, new MRTG version, new ... ?

Does this group of devices share something the other devices do not share with them? Are they run from one config file or from more than one?


-----Original Message-----
From: mrtg-bounces at lists.oetiker.ch [mailto:mrtg-bounces at lists.oetiker.ch] On Behalf Of Darren.Terry at cox.com
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2008 5:16 PM
To: mrtg at lists.oetiker.ch; rrd-users at lists.oetiker.ch
Subject: [mrtg] MRTG/RRD Intermittent Graphs


     This past week I migrated a rather large RRD/MRTG system to new servers and updated software. The system was running on a redhat 9 server with dual P3 xeons running at 1.4GHz with 1GB of memory and U160 SCSI disks in RAID 1. The new system is a dual P4 xeon system with dual cores, 4 146GB U320 SCSI disks and 8GB of memory... this system is using RAID 5. The MRTG system has a total of 20,757 RRDs (i.e. interfaces). The new server has much, much more bandwidth to the disks and also much, much more memory and processor cycles.

     Now that I have the initial post out of the way, now comes the problem. Previously this system was polling all of the devices with no problems at all, no gaps in the graphs. However, with this new system, there's one group of devices that don't seem to be graphing like they should. There are gaps in the graphs for these devices. When polling the poll doesn't finish before the next one needs to start. This doesn't make sense... at all. This new system should be able to poll all of these devices with no issues. If anyone here has any experience with this, it would be awesome if you have any pointers on how to remedy this issue!! 


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