[mrtg] Voice Calls Help

Frank Misak Frank.Misak at mpiresearch.com
Mon May 19 21:42:22 CEST 2008

Hello group,


            I would like to graph how many voice calls active on our
gateway and can with the following get what I need but I am unable to
get the cfg file to work and generate graphs.  The command below gives
me the number of voice calls (by counting the lines, as the actual data
is hex and not what I need):


snmpwalk -v1 -c <READSTRING> <NODE IP> | wc


I tried the following but no luck so far:


## Calls ##


MaxBytes[NODE_IP_calls]: 47

Options[NODE_IP_calls]: growright, guage

Title[NODE_IP_calls]: Voice Calls

PageTop[NODE_IP_calls]: <h1>Calls</h1>


I keep getting a gateway.cfg_l file and not a gateway.ok, and no graphs.
Can anyone help?


Thanks in advance,






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