[mrtg] Data collection interval

Troy Wical troy at wical.com
Fri Nov 21 18:49:06 CET 2008

On Nov 21, 2008, at 10:31 AM, Kevin Wong wrote:

> Hi, instead of collecting data on my Cisco switch every 5 minutes,  
> is it possible to change it to say 1 minute interval?  I am  
> collecting data from 3 devices using rateup under just one MRTG  
> instance running.

If you are running in cron, you can adjust your interval.  In the  
example below, I am running a query every 2 minutes.

*/2 *	* * *	root	if [ -x /usr/bin/mrtg ] && [ -r /etc/mrtg/ 
mrtg_haze.cfg ]; then env LANG=C /usr/bin/mrtg /etc/mrtg/mrtg_haze.cfg  
 >> /var/log/mrtg/mrtg_haze.log 2>&1; fi

Peace, Troy
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