[mrtg] Zyxel Prestige P660H-D1

Toomas Aas toomas.aas at raad.tartu.ee
Thu Oct 16 06:55:51 CEST 2008


Is anyone successfully monitoring this router with MRTG? I have some  
of them, and the standard configuration created with simple 'cfgmaker  
communitystring at router' creates a configuration which seems to  
correctly measure the internal interface (enet0), but the traffic  
shown on external interface (mpoa) is obviously wrong. In some cases,  
it is shown to be significally higher than the actual traffic, while  
in some cases it is shown to be significally lower. The external  
interface, if it matters, is in RFC1483 mode.

I have a bunch of P660H-61 routers and mrtg groks these just fine, but  
the few P660H-D1 that I have are all problematic in this regard. Is  
there something that I can configure in MRTG to make things better, or  
should I just consider the SNMP counters on these routers broken? The  
firmware on these routers is the latest available from Zyxel:  
V3.40(AGD.2). I'm running MRTG 2.15.2.

Toomas Aas

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