[mrtg] Advice sought: extending cfgmaker for multicast

McDonald, Dan Dan.McDonald at austinenergy.com
Mon Jul 27 14:36:44 CEST 2009

On Thu, 2009-07-23 at 16:37 +0100, Niall O'Reilly wrote:
> Hello.
> I want to provide some variables to a template for conditional 
> generation of targets related to IPv4 multicast.
> I've identified the OIDs I seem to need and changed cfgmaker
> so that they are requested from the equipment and their status
> placed in variables for use by the template.

> Thanks in advance for any helpful suggestions.

When you walk them by hand, you are using snmp v2c.  Since you've
obfuscated the debug, I can't tell if you are using v1 or v2c when
running the template.  Under v1, a COUNTER64 would simply not return.

Rather than hacking up cfgmaker, I normally poll the variables in my
template, just performing an snmpget. e.g (from a host template)
        my ( $maxmins, $maxsec, $absmin, $yellowvolts, $redvolts,
        $absvolts, @basis );
        my ($model) = snmpget($router_connect,"upsIdentModel.0");
        my ($version) =
        push @basis, 'upsEstimatedMinutesRemaining.0';
        push @basis, 'upsConfigInputVoltage.0';
        push @basis, 'upsConfigOutputVoltage.0';
        push @basis, 'upsInputNumLines.0';
        push @basis, 'upsOutputNumLines.0';
        push @basis, 'upsConfigOutputFreq.0';
        push @basis, 'upsConfigOutputVA.0' if $model !~ /Nfinity/;
        #push @basis, 'lgpPwrLineMeasurementVoltsLL.3.1' if $model !
        ~ /Nfinity/ and $ver
        sion !~ /^(1|2.0)/;
        my ($remain,$volts,$ovolts,$ilines,$olines,$freq,$va)= 
                snmpget($router_connect, at basis);

You could do something similar in an iftemplate, replacing .0
with .$if_index

Daniel J McDonald, CCIE # 2495, CISSP # 78281, CNX
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