[mrtg] Cfgmaker script for tracking Cisco QoS bit-rates and drop-rates

Volk,Gregory B greg.volk at edwardjones.com
Sat Nov 28 02:43:07 CET 2009

In an effort to track voice, video, etc., queue utilization & drop
rates, I recently put together a cfgmaker-ish script that interrogates
cisco routers and builds per-queue, per-interface targets. I think it's
kinda handy so I'm sending a link to the list.

The explicit link is: http://mrtg.gvolk.com/cbqos-cfgmaker.zip

The readme included with the script is as follows:

### cbqos-cfgmaker.pl - A perl script that interrogates cisco routers
### and generates per-queue, per-interface bit rate and drop-rate 
### MRTG targets.
### Greg Volk 20091127
### This program was based off of OIDs found in the following cisco
### mib files:
### The invocation syntax is ./cbqos_cfgmaker.pl <community>@<device> >
###                          ./cbqos_cfgmaker.pl public at router >
### This template is licensed under the GNU GPL. For more information,
### see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
### Newer/older/different versions might be available at 
### http://mrtg.gvolk.com/ or more specifically
### http://mrtg.gvolk.com/cbqos-cfgmaker.zip.
### If you get an error like...
###	Can't locate SNMP_util.pm in @INC (@INC contains:
###	/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.7/i486-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.7 
###	/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/i486-linux
###	/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl .) at ./cbqos-cfgmaker.pl line 28.
###	BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./cbqos-cfgmaker.pl line
### ...then you will need to set the location of your SNMP_util.pm on
line 27
### where it says 'use lib "/opt/mrtg/usr/lib/mrtg2";'. Find your
### and change the dir. 
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