[mrtg] cfgmaker with ifref=descr - not working as it is described
Cihan Subasi (Garanti Teknoloji)
CihanS at garanti.com.tr
Mon Jan 25 08:58:56 CET 2010
I run cfgmaker as follow and expect that the description is shown in the definitions (target) but still shows me only the name, the description on the interace does not have interface name but showhow it appears in my cfg file. Below also an example,
the description on the router is YENIMAHALLE
cfgmkaer shows Tunnel1101 YENIMAHALLE
and it uses only Tunnel1101
it is because the description on every interface is not unique (some interfaces does not have any description at all.
/usr/bin/cfgmaker --zero-speed=512000 --ifref=descr --ifdesc=descr "--if-filter=$if_type==131 && $if_admin" anakonda at ank-gshdsl --output=ank-gshdsl-tmp.cfg
### Interface 307 >> Descr: 'Tunnel1101' | Name: 'Tu1101' | Ip: '' | Eth: '' ###
Target[ank-gshdsl_Tunnel1101]: \Tunnel1101:anakonda at ank-gshdsl:
SetEnv[ank-gshdsl_Tunnel1101]: MRTG_INT_IP="" MRTG_INT_DESCR="Tunnel1101"
MaxBytes[ank-gshdsl_Tunnel1101]: 12500
Title[ank-gshdsl_Tunnel1101]: Tunnel1101 -- ANKARA-GSHDSL-7206
PageTop[ank-gshdsl_Tunnel1101]: <h1>Tunnel1101 -- ANKARA-GSHDSL-7206</h1>
<div id="sysdetails">
<td>ANKARA-GSHDSL-7206 in </td>
<td>Garanti Teknoloji</td>
<td>Tunnel1101 YENIMAHALLE </td>
<td>Encapsulation Interface (131)</td>
<td>Max Speed:</td>
<td>12.5 kBytes/s</td>
<td> ()</td>
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