[mrtg] Using 95th percentile with mrtg configs

Mersberger, Robert robert.mersberger at goldenliving.com
Wed Jul 14 23:03:49 CEST 2010

I am looking to try this but noticed that it is a variable in routers2.conf that need to be turned on. If I under stand this correctly this will have a global effect on all my current configs, which at the present is something I don't want. Is there a way to turn this option on in cfgmaker ?  Would it go here ? (--global="routers.cgi*Options[_]: scaled percentile")  I believe that this can be used to turn it off if it is on in the .conf file.   This is how I understood it from reading your first edition of Using MRTG with RRDtool and Routers2?

Am I on the right track or can you clear thing up for me.


Robert Mersberger
LAN Consultant, Information Technology
Phone 479-201-3442
Fax 479-478-3837
Email robert.mersberger at goldenliving.com
Golden Living
1000 Fianna Way
Fort Smith, AR 72919

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