[mrtg] upgrade to 2.17.1/2 results in Skipping webupdates rateup ERROR

Mike Cavanagh mike at terrapintesting.com
Tue Aug 30 02:11:33 CEST 2011

I just upgraded to mrtg 2.17.2 and now rateup returns:

2011-08-27 18:15:20 -- Started mrtg with config 'tt-fw1.cfg'

2011-08-27 18:15:21 -- 2011-08-27 18:15:21: ERROR: Skipping webupdates
because rateup did not return anything sensible

2011-08-27 18:15:21 -- 2011-08-27 18:15:21: WARNING: rateup died from
Signal 9 with Exit Value 0 when doing router

Signal was 9, Returncode was 0


Versions 2.16.3, 2.16.4, 2.17.1 works fine.

Versions 2.17.1, 2.17.2 have the error.


Has anyone experienced this?  Does anyone have any thought what may have
gone arwy?







          Solaris 2.9 Generic_122300-02 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Blade-100

Perl 5.8.3

gcc 3.4.6

gd 2.0.35

libpng 1.4.4

zlib 1.2.3


Commands used to build config files:

./bin/cfgmaker --ifref=ip --ifdesc=name --no-down --subdirs=HOSTNAME
--global "RunAsDaemon: Yes" --global "Interval: 5" --global "Refresh:
300" --global "Workdir: /opt/sfw/mrtg.2.17.2/www" --global "options[_]:
growright,bits" --output=tt-fw1.cfg ******@tt-fw1-int.5cs.com


Command to create the index file:

          ./bin/indexmaker --title="5cs Network" --output=www/index.html


Command to Launch mrtg:

          ./bin/mrtg -user=mrtg -logging=tt-fw1.log tt-fw1.cfg



tt-fw1.cfg file:

# Created by

# ./bin/cfgmaker --ifref=ip --ifdesc=name --no-down --subdirs=HOSTNAME
--global "RunAsDaemon: Yes" --global "Interval: 5" --global "Refresh:
300" --global "Workdir: /opt/sfw/mrtg.2.17.2/www" --global "options[_]:
growright,bits" --output=tt-fw1.cfg ******@tt-fw1-int.5cs.com


EnableIPv6: no

RunAsDaemon: Yes

Interval: 5

Refresh: 300

Workdir: /opt/sfw/mrtg.2.17.2/www

options[_]: growright,bits



# System: tt-fw1



### Interface 1 >> Descr: 'trust' | Name: 'trust' | Ip: ''
| Eth: '00-17-cb-fc-38-02' ###



SetEnv[tt-fw1-int.5cs.com_192.168.11.254]: MRTG_INT_IP=""

Directory[tt-fw1-int.5cs.com_192.168.11.254]: tt-fw1-int.5cs.com

MaxBytes[tt-fw1-int.5cs.com_192.168.11.254]: 12500000

Title[tt-fw1-int.5cs.com_192.168.11.254]: #trust -- tt-fw1

PageTop[tt-fw1-int.5cs.com_192.168.11.254]: <h1>#trust -- tt-fw1</h1>

<div id="sysdetails">




<td>tt-fw1 in City, state</td>








<td>trust  </td>




<td>ethernetCsmacd (6)</td>







<td>Max Speed:</td>

<td>100.0 Mbits/s</td>




<td> (tt-fw1-int.5cs.com)</td>





### Interface 2 >> Descr: 'untrust' | Name: 'untrust' | Ip:
'ip1.ip2.ip3.ip4' | Eth: '00-17-cb-fc-38-01' ###



MRTG_INT_IP="ip1.ip2.ip3.ip4" MRTG_INT_DESCR="untrust"

Directory[tt-fw1-int.5cs.com_ip1.ip2.ip3.ip4]: tt-fw1-int.5cs.com

MaxBytes[tt-fw1-int.5cs.com_ip1.ip2.ip3.ip4]: 12500000

Title[tt-fw1-int.5cs.com_ip1.ip2.ip3.ip4]: #untrust -- tt-fw1

PageTop[tt-fw1-int.5cs.com_ip1.ip2.ip3.ip4]: <h1>#untrust -- tt-fw1</h1>

<div id="sysdetails">




<td>tt-fw1 in City, state</td>








<td>untrust  </td>




<td>ethernetCsmacd (6)</td>







<td>Max Speed:</td>

<td>100.0 Mbits/s</td>




<td>ip1.ip2.ip3.ip4 ()</td>





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