[mrtg] Target data not collected (RHEL 6.0, MRTG 2.16.2, Perl 5.10.1)

Daniel McDonald dan.mcdonald at austinenergy.com
Tue Dec 20 14:07:32 CET 2011

On 12/20/11 5:41 AM, "Niall O'Reilly" <Niall.oReilly at ucd.ie> wrote:

> In the "abberrant" traffic pattern, some traffic is seen which
> matches the description given above.  However, some expected
> GetRequest PDUs do not appear.  In addition, a number of
> GetNextRequest PDUs are shown, stepping through ifName, ifDescr,
> ifType, ipAdEntIfIndex, ipAdEntNetMask, and ifPhysAddress.  Again,
> corresponding responses appear.

Sounds like those are using snmp v1 rather than snmpv2

>  It seems that MRTG is trying to
> map the properties and status of the unit, as well as to collect
> data corresponding to (only!) some of the configured Targets.

Yes, mrtg does that periodically to build a cache of interfaces to match
with the targets defined in the config file.
> Data is stored as "NaN" for the configured targets which are
> omitted from the SNMP polling sequence.  Corresponding graphs
> are, unsurprisingly, blank.

Are you seeing log messages?

Daniel J McDonald, CCIE # 2495, CISSP # 78281

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