[mrtg] Continuing the post

thomaz.portella at portoseguro.com.br thomaz.portella at portoseguro.com.br
Tue Jul 5 22:16:33 CEST 2016

But it delays and finish without error. Itv was solved , nbut.
The .png file with graphs are old ones, not from today.

Thomaz Portella
Arquitetura de InfraEstrutura  - Tel.: 11 23936908
Corporação Porto Seguro  - http://www.portoseguro.com.br

De:     Adam Atkinson <ghira at mistral.co.uk>
Para:   thomaz.portella at portoseguro.com.br
Data:   05/07/2016 16:52
Assunto:        Re: [mrtg] Continuing the post

On 05/07/16 20:45, thomaz.portella at portoseguro.com.br wrote:
> How is the sintax?
> It isn't accepting --snmp-v2 .
> The documentation and the man page says that.

I never use cfgmaker. I write my config files by hand.

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