[mrtg] Grafana/Gregory Volk
Volk,Gregory B
greg.volk at edwardjones.com
Thu Sep 29 17:32:41 CEST 2016
>cool to see some work being done on mrtg ... I have recently moved
>the source to github, so maybe you want to create a pull request
>with your changes ...
> https://github.com/oetiker/mrtg
I believe the pull request is out there now - hopefully I did it correctly, I haven't done many mods through github so the process is relatively new to me.
Also, I think I fixed the issue referenced below where the daemon dies if the Graphite socket goes away...
>> -If the TCP socket from the MRTG server to the Graphite server goes away for some
>> reason (connectivity problems, graphite shutdown, etc) the MRTG daemon will die.
>> This is clearly a bad implementation on my part but I haven't had time to look at
>> it. Ideally MRTG will continue to run and update the RRD files if the Graphite
>> socket goes away and gracefully reconnect when the Graphite server is reachable
>> again.
...now it should live through a graphite disconnect, continue updating the RRD files, and gracefully reconnect when the graphite server is reachable again.
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-----Original Message-----
From: mrtg [mailto:mrtg-bounces+greg.volk=edwardjones.com at lists.oetiker.ch] On Behalf Of Edwin A. Epstein III
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2016 4:24 PM
To: mrtg
Subject: Re: [mrtg] Grafana/Gregory Volk
Hi Greg,
That is really cool work, and appreciated. I can't wait to try it out.
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2016 09:10:05 +0200 (CEST)
From: Tobias Oetiker <tobi at oetiker.ch>
To: "Volk,Gregory B" <greg.volk at edwardjones.com>
Cc: "mrtg at lists.oetiker.ch" <mrtg at lists.oetiker.ch>
Subject: Re: [mrtg] An awfully quiet list for the last 2 months ...
Message-ID: <alpine.DEB.2.20.1609280909120.8026 at froburg.oetiker.ch>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Hi Greg,
cool to see some work being done on mrtg ... I have recently moved
the source to github, so maybe you want to create a pull request
with your changes ...
Montag Volk,Gregory B wrote:
> I have been working on modifying MRTG to send a copy of the time series data it collects to
> Graphite (https://github.com/graphite-project) in addition to storing it in RRD files. I am
> interested in doing this because I have a large, customized MRTG installation that collects
> many metrics from many devices and it would be nice to work with that time series data via
> one of the many Graphite front-ends such as Grafana (https://github.com/grafana/grafana)
> without having to implement a whole new SNMP data collection system. With this in mind I
> have modified mrtg 2.17.4 to use the Net::Graphite perl module
> (http://search.cpan.org/~slanning/Net-Graphite-0.14/) to open a TCP socket to my Graphite
> server on startup and send a copy of each collected metric and the associated timestamp to
> Graphite after the calls to RRDs::update.
> So far it works pretty well. The most difficult task was converting the relevant MRTG
> config file directives (things like $$rcfg{'legendi'}{$router} and
> $$rcfg{'legendo'}{$router}) into meaningful graphite name space values. This took some
> experimentation because periods are graphite namespace delimiters, and spaces along with
> other special characters are not allowed in the graphite namespace at all. In some cases I
> had to go back and modify my custom MRTG cfg builder scripts and MRTG template files to not
> use periods and special characters.
> If anyone else is interested in trying it out you can download it from here:
> http://mrtg.gvolk.com/mrtg-graphite.zip.
> The zipfile contains these three files
> mrtg-2.17.4-graphite mrtg 2.17.4 with send-to-graphite modifications
> mrtg-diff.txt diff against stock mrtg 2.17.4
> README.txt this readme file
> If you decide to try it out keep these things in mind...
> -I strongly suggest using a graphite docker image unless you already have a
> functioning graphite instance.
> -The same can be said for Grafana - use the docker image if you are looking for a
> fancier Graphite front end.
> -You will need to modify line 92 of mrtg-2.17.4-graphite with your graphite server
> name/ip unless you're running it on the same host as your mrtg poller.
> -Ideally the graphite variable assignments in lines 90 - 101 should be cfg file
> parms but so far this is just experimentation and I haven't had time to work on it
> beyond the proof of concept phase.
> -This only works in daemon mode so if your config files don't have RunAsDaemon:Yes in
> them you're out of luck. Sorry.
> -Note that line 19 of mrtg-2.17.4-graphite has DEBUG=qw(log) specified. This is
> useful for troubleshooting graphite TCP socket open problems and the
> MRTG-config-file-var-to-graphite-namespace conversions. This debug statement will
> cause your MRTG log files to get big so I would recommend setting it to DEBUG=qw()
> after things are working correctly.
> -So far I have only run this on linux. I don't know if it will work on Windows or
> anything else.
> -You will need to install Net::Graphite from CPAN, so from your linux prompt...
> perl -MCPAN -e shell
> install Net::Graphite
> -If the TCP socket from the MRTG server to the Graphite server goes away for some
> reason (connectivity problems, graphite shutdown, etc) the MRTG daemon will die.
> This is clearly a bad implementation on my part but I haven't had time to look at
> it. Ideally MRTG will continue to run and update the RRD files if the Graphite
> socket goes away and gracefully reconnect when the Graphite server is reachable
> again.
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