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Hi all
<p>after soluting my OID-search for my ONline-hubs i'm stumbling to the
next errors...
<p>snmpget on my OID works:
<br> "snmpget public .
<br> enterprises. = Counter:
<p>When i try to generate an .cfg-file with:
<br>./cfgmaker enterprises. >online.cfg
<p>i got following error.messages:
<blockquote>SNMP Error:
<br>no response received
<br>SNMPv1_Session (remote host: "" [].161
community: "enterprises."
request ID: 2122581753
PDU bufsize: 8000 bytes
timeout: 2s
retries: 5
backoff: 1)
<br>SNMPGET Problem for sysDescr sysContact sysName sysLocation ifNumber
<br> on enterprises.</blockquote>
The same happens, when i call cfgmaker without any special OID.
<br>Any suggestions???
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