Hello All! How can I configure my 2 x Max3000 machines to monitor its ports using mrtg. I mean users connected to the port. Is there any MIB available?? Any help??? Regards. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Ali Javed Tajik Network Administrator Net Zone (Pvt.) Ltd; Phones: 92-91-270820-1 http://www.netzone.net.pk --------------------------------------------------------- This message sent using EMUmail -- http://www.emumail.com --------------------------------------------------------- Jumping through hoops to get E-mail on the road? You've got two choices: Join the circus, or use MollyMail. Molly Mail -- http://www.mollymail.com -- Unsubscribe mailto:mrtg-request@list.ee.ethz.ch?subject=unsubscribe Archive http://www.ee.ethz.ch/~slist/mrtg FAQ http://faq.mrtg.org Homepage http://www.mrtg.org WebAdmin http://www.ee.ethz.ch/~slist/lsg2.cgi