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Hi Lyle,<br><br>I don't take this in wrong way. No problem.<br><br>I can't hire anybody to make this work. I'm the person who suppose to do this. It's my job. I'm new on this but ... I managed to install 5 complicated servers: 2 firewalls and 3 IPAudit. I understand this MRTG installation is hard but now I have a model: my the old MRTG server. If I manage to install MRTG, the settings maybe it be easier.<br><br>I start to install MRTG on Debian 5.0.2. I have the following problem: when I try to install gd I get <br>"/usr/local/src/gd/gdparttopng.c:42: undefined reference to 'gdImageCreateFromGd2Part' ". I've try everything I found through Google but it not works.<br><br>Previously I installed gcc, perl, libpng, zlib, php5-gd, libgd2-xpm, freetype, pixmap.<br><br>I do not know what I need to install more.<br><br>Regards,<br>Bicado<br><br>PS: To search after help in the previous topics is very hard. Did is possible to get the hole archive in one file to be able to search easier?<br> <br /><hr />Gör personlighetstestet på MSN Dejting, se vem du passar ihop med! <a href='http://dejting.se.msn.com/channel/index.aspx?trackingid=1002952' target='_new'>MSN Dejting</a></body>