[rrd-developers] Re: Stacking

Tobias Oetiker oetiker at ee.ethz.ch
Mon Aug 2 17:03:48 MEST 1999

Today you sent me mail regarding [rrd-developers] Re: Stacking:

*> Yesterday you sent me mail regarding [rrd-developers] Stacking:
*> *> Folks,
*> *> 
*> *> Today a friend of mine + me have been hacking up a script that
*> *> stacks a dozen values on top of each other. It looks okay however
*> *> there is one thing bugging me.
*> *> 
*> *> If you DEF some values, AREA the first one and STACK the others,
*> *> having a GPRINT series after the area and each stack, you get a
*> *> nice graph with value 1 at the bottom, value 2 on top of value 1,
*> *> and so on.
*> *> However: the legend is exactly the opposite. The first line is
*> *> value 1, next is value 2, etcetera.
*> *> 
*> *> Am I the only one that cares or could somebody program something
*> *> like a reverse linefeed in rrd_graph ?
*> reverse linefeed will not be enough ... but you are right, in the case of
*> stacking, the legend might make more sence if it was in reverse order ...
*> will see what I can do ... cheers

I have been thinking about the stack legend problem ... and was not able to
come up with a good solution as it is also possible to mix STACK and PRINY
elements ... so the ordering question remains .. one possible solution would
be to allow for an optional argument with all the legends ... the argument
would specify the order of the legends ... this is for 1.1.x though, as it
requires changing arguments ... 

*> *> Regards,
*> *> Alex
*> *> 
*> *> --
*> *> * To unsubscribe from the rrd-developers mailing list, send a message with the
*> *>   subject: unsubscribe to rrd-developers-request at list.ee.ethz.ch
*> *> 
*> *> 

 ______    __   _
/_  __/_  / /  (_) Oetiker, Timelord & SysMgr @ EE-Dept ETH-Zurich
 / // _ \/ _ \/ / TEL: +41(0)1-6325286  FAX:...1517  ICQ: 10419518 
/_/ \.__/_.__/_/ oetiker at ee.ethz.ch http://ee-staff.ethz.ch/~oetiker

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