[rrd-developers] Tiny patch for RRDtool

Blair Zajac bzajac at geostaff.com
Mon Aug 23 20:07:28 MEST 1999


Here's a tiny patch for the latest patch you put out.

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diff -rc ../rrdtool-1.0.7/src/rrd_restore.c ./src/rrd_restore.c
*** ../rrdtool-1.0.7/src/rrd_restore.c	Mon Aug 23 10:20:10 1999
--- ./src/rrd_restore.c	Mon Aug 23 11:05:38 1999
*** 212,218 ****
  		  rrd_value_t  * value = &(rrd->rrd_value[(rows-1)*rrd->stat_head->ds_cnt+i]);
  		  read_tag(&ptr3,"v","%lf", value);
  		  if (
  			  (rc == 1)			/* do we have to check for the ranges */
--- 212,218 ----
  		  rrd_value_t  * value = &(rrd->rrd_value[(rows-1)*rrd->stat_head->ds_cnt+i]);
  		  read_tag(&ptr3,"v","%lf", value);
  		  if (
  			  (rc == 1)			/* do we have to check for the ranges */
*** 226,232 ****
  			  	&& (*value > rrd->ds_def[i].par[DS_max_val].u_val))
  		  ) {
! 		      fprintf ( stderr, "out of range found [ds: %u], [value : %0.10e]\n", i, *value);
  		      *value = DNAN;
--- 226,232 ----
  			  	&& (*value > rrd->ds_def[i].par[DS_max_val].u_val))
  		  ) {
! 		      fprintf(stderr, "out of range found [ds: %lu], [value : %0.10e]\n", i, *value);
  		      *value = DNAN;
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