[rrd-developers] Re: Graphing failuires over time?

Stanislav Sinyagin ssinyagin at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 24 14:24:15 MEST 2002

--- Cooper Nelson <coop at epicenter.ucsd.edu> wrote:
> I'm experimenting with the Holt-Winters abberant behavior detection in 
> the current dev. release.  I'm curious about graphing the number of 
> confidence band violations per hour rather than just the binary failure 
> marker.  I can set the failure threshold to its most sensitive setting 
> (1 confidence band violation per failure) to create a RRD of binary 
> confidence band violations; but I cant figure out how to graph them as a 
> sum over an hourly period (0-12 per hour assuming 5 minute averages).
> Would creating a new RRD with hour averages and populating it with  the 
> failures work?  Is there a better way?

Hi Cooper, 

I think creating a separate RRD would be a simplier way than incorporating 
a new functionality into rrdtool. 
Perhaps, this copule of my scripts (at the bottom of the page) 
would be of help to crteate your own: 

I've even created a new SourceForge project for such experiments, but 
never had a time to play with that:

If you find any of your scripts worth publishing, I can put them there too.


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