[rrd-developers] [PATCH] set smoothing window

Evan Miller emiller at imvu.com
Sat Sep 8 04:07:57 CEST 2007

Here's a patch to allow the smoothing window size in the archive
definition. Old format:

RRA:SEASONAL:seasonal period:gamma:rra-num
RRA:DEVSEASONAL:seasonal period:gamma:rra-num

New (backward-compatible) format:

RRA:SEASONAL:seasonal period:gamma:rra-num[:smoothing window]
RRA:DEVSEASONAL:seasonal period:gamma:rra-num[:smoothing window]

By default it's set to 0.05 (same as now), which means 5% of a season is
used for the running average. Setting "smoothing window" to 0 will
disable the running-average smoother altogether.

Let me know if I've forgotten anything...

-------------- next part --------------
Index: src/rrd_hw.c
--- src/rrd_hw.c	(revision 1199)
+++ src/rrd_hw.c	(working copy)
@@ -139,7 +139,9 @@
     rrd_value_t *working_average;
     rrd_value_t *baseline;
-    offset = floor(0.025 * row_count);
+    offset = floor(rrd->rra_def[rra_idx].
+                    par[RRA_seasonal_smoothing_window].
+                    u_val / 2 * row_count);
     if (offset == 0)
         return 0;       /* no smoothing */
Index: src/rrd_format.h
--- src/rrd_format.h	(revision 1199)
+++ src/rrd_format.h	(working copy)
@@ -194,13 +194,15 @@
 enum rra_par_en { RRA_cdp_xff_val = 0,  /* what part of the consolidated
                                          * datapoint must be known, to produce a
                                          * valid entry in the rra */
-    RRA_hw_alpha,
+    /* CF_HWPREDICT: */
+    RRA_hw_alpha = 1,
     /* exponential smoothing parameter for the intercept in
      * the Holt-Winters prediction algorithm. */
-    RRA_hw_beta,
+    RRA_hw_beta = 2,
     /* exponential smoothing parameter for the slope in
      * the Holt-Winters prediction algorithm. */
-    RRA_dependent_rra_idx,
+    RRA_dependent_rra_idx = 3,
     /* For CF_HWPREDICT: index of the RRA with the seasonal 
      * effects of the Holt-Winters algorithm (of type
      * CF_SEASONAL).
@@ -212,22 +214,30 @@
      * Holt-Winters prediction (of type CF_HWPREDICT).
      * For CF_FAILURES: index of the CF_DEVSEASONAL array.
      * */
-    RRA_seasonal_smooth_idx,
-     * an integer between 0 and row_count - 1 which
+    RRA_seasonal_gamma = 1,
+    /* exponential smoothing parameter for seasonal effects. */
+    RRA_seasonal_smoothing_window = 2,
+    /* fraction of the season to include in the running average
+     * smoother */
+    /* RRA_dependent_rra_idx = 3, */
+    RRA_seasonal_smooth_idx = 4,
+    /* an integer between 0 and row_count - 1 which
      * is index in the seasonal cycle for applying
      * the period smoother. */
-    RRA_failure_threshold,
+    /* CF_FAILURES: */
+    RRA_delta_pos = 1, /* confidence bound scaling parameters */
+    RRA_delta_neg = 2,
+    /* RRA_dependent_rra_idx = 3, */
+    RRA_window_len = 4,
+    RRA_failure_threshold = 5,
     /* For CF_FAILURES, number of violations within the last
      * window required to mark a failure. */
-    RRA_seasonal_gamma = RRA_hw_alpha,
-    /* exponential smoothing parameter for seasonal effects.
-     * */
-    RRA_delta_pos = RRA_hw_alpha,
-    RRA_delta_neg = RRA_hw_beta,
-    /* confidence bound scaling parameters for the
-     * the FAILURES RRA. */
-    RRA_window_len = RRA_seasonal_smooth_idx
                     /* For CF_FAILURES, the length of the window for measuring
Index: src/rrd_create.c
--- src/rrd_create.c	(revision 1199)
+++ src/rrd_create.c	(working copy)
@@ -264,6 +264,8 @@
                         /* initialize some parameters */
                             par[RRA_seasonal_gamma].u_val = 0.1;
+                        rrd.rra_def[rrd.stat_head->rra_cnt].
+                            par[RRA_seasonal_smoothing_window].u_val = 0.05;
                         /* fall through */
                     case CF_DEVPREDICT:
@@ -420,6 +422,13 @@
                             par[RRA_dependent_rra_idx].u_cnt =
                             atoi(token) - 1;
+                    case CF_DEVSEASONAL:
+                    case CF_SEASONAL:
+                        rrd.rra_def[rrd.stat_head->rra_cnt].
+                                par[RRA_seasonal_smoothing_window].u_val = atof(token);
+                        if (atof(token) < 0.0 || atof(token) > 1.0)
+                            rrd_set_error("Invalid smoothing window: must be between 0 and 1");
+                        break;
                     case CF_HWPREDICT:
                     case CF_MHWPREDICT:
                         /* length of the associated CF_SEASONAL and CF_DEVSEASONAL arrays. */
Index: src/rrd_tune.c
--- src/rrd_tune.c	(revision 1199)
+++ src/rrd_tune.c	(working copy)
@@ -88,6 +88,8 @@
         {"beta", required_argument, 0, 'y'},
         {"gamma", required_argument, 0, 'z'},
         {"gamma-deviation", required_argument, 0, 'v'},
+        {"smoothing-window", required_argument, 0, 's'},
+        {"smoothing-window-deviation", required_argument, 0, 'S'},
         {"aberrant-reset", required_argument, 0, 'b'},
         {0, 0, 0, 0}
@@ -296,6 +298,18 @@
                 return -1;
+        case 's':
+            if (set_hwarg(&rrd, CF_SEASONAL, RRA_seasonal_smoothing_window, optarg)) {
+                rrd_free(&rrd);
+                return -1;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 'S':
+            if (set_hwarg(&rrd, CF_DEVSEASONAL, RRA_seasonal_smoothing_window, optarg)) {
+                rrd_free(&rrd);
+                return -1;
+            }
+            break;
         case '?':
             if (optopt != 0)
                 rrd_set_error("unknown option '%c'", optopt);
Index: doc/rrdcreate.pod
--- doc/rrdcreate.pod	(revision 1199)
+++ doc/rrdcreate.pod	(working copy)
@@ -238,11 +238,11 @@
 =item *
-B<RRA:>I<SEASONAL>B<:>I<seasonal period>B<:>I<gamma>B<:>I<rra-num>
+B<RRA:>I<SEASONAL>B<:>I<seasonal period>B<:>I<gamma>B<:>I<rra-num>[B<:>I<smoothing fraction>]
 =item *
-B<RRA:>I<DEVSEASONAL>B<:>I<seasonal period>B<:>I<gamma>B<:>I<rra-num>
+B<RRA:>I<DEVSEASONAL>B<:>I<seasonal period>B<:>I<gamma>B<:>I<rra-num>[B<:>I<smoothing fraction>]
 =item *
@@ -342,6 +342,13 @@
 be the same for both. Note that I<gamma> can also be changed via the
 B<RRDtool> I<tune> command.
+I<smoothing fraction> specifies the fraction of a season that should be
+averaged around each point. By default, the value of I<smoothing fraction> is
+0.05, which means each value in SEASONAL and DEVSEASONAL will be occasionally
+replaced by averaging it with its (I<seasonal period>*0.05) nearest neighbors.
+Setting I<smoothing fraction> to zero will disable the running-average smoother
 I<rra-num> provides the links between related B<RRAs>. If HWPREDICT is
 specified alone and the other B<RRAs> are created implicitly, then
 there is no need to worry about this argument. If B<RRAs> are created
Index: doc/rrdtune.pod
--- doc/rrdtune.pod	(revision 1199)
+++ doc/rrdtune.pod	(working copy)
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
 S<[B<--beta> I<adaption-parameter>]>
 S<[B<--gamma> I<adaption-parameter>]>
 S<[B<--gamma-deviation> I<adaption-parameter>]>
+S<[B<--smoothing-window> I<fraction-of-season>]>
+S<[B<--smoothing-window-deviation> I<fraction-of-season>]>
 S<[B<--aberrant-reset> I<ds-name>]>
@@ -117,6 +119,16 @@
 Alter the seasonal deviation adaptation parameter for the DEVSEASONAL
 B<RRA>. This parameter must be between 0 and 1.
+=item S<B<--smoothing-window> I<fraction-of-season>>
+Alter the size of the smoothing window for the SEASONAL B<RRA>. This must
+be between 0 and 1.
+=item S<B<--smoothing-window-deviation> I<fraction-of-season>>
+Alter the size of the smoothing window for the DEVSEASONAL B<RRA>. This must
+be between 0 and 1.
 =item S<B<--aberrant-reset> I<ds-name>>
 This option causes the aberrant behavior detection algorithm to reset

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