[rrd-developers] Ubuntu Lenny: rrd does not update the ctime and mtime of rrd-files

Kristoff Bonne kristoff.bonne at skypro.be
Mon Sep 27 16:46:33 CEST 2010

Hi Tobias,

Op 27-09-10 16:18, Tobias Oetiker schreef:
>> Now, we have a very strange fenomina:
>> mrtg does update the rrd-files as normal, but does not update the ctime
>> and mtime of the files.
> the reason for this behaviour is that rrtool uses memory mapped io
> for updating files ... some older linux kernels neglect to update
> the timesamps of the files thus edited ..
> the simplest solution is to compile rrdtool on the target machine,
> it will then detect the problem and work around it ...



Is there then still a reason to use the rrdtool 1.4.3-1.bpo50+1 (from 
the debian backports repository) or is the default packages for Lenny 
(1.3.1-4) good enough?

Kr. Bonne.

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