[rrd-developers] threads and rrdcached

Steve Clark sclark at netwolves.com
Thu Dec 11 21:03:45 CET 2014

Hello List,

I was reading the web page http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool/prog/rrdthreads.en.html
about using threads and it says to use the _r calls like rrd_update_r().

But in examing the code in rrd_update.c for version 1.4.8
it appears calling rrd_update_r() will bypass the use of rrdcached. Am I understanding this

Also it looks like rrd_update() eventually calls rrd_update_r() if it doesn't use the
rrdcached daemon.
 From rrd_update()
     if (! rrdc_is_connected(opt_daemon))
       rc = rrd_update_r(argv[optind], tmplt,
                         argc - optind - 1, (const char **) (argv + optind + 1));
     else /* we are connected */
         rc = rrdc_update (argv[optind], /* file */
                           argc - optind - 1, /* values_num */
                           (const char *const *) (argv + optind + 1)); /* values */
         if (rc > 0)
             rrd_set_error("Failed sending the values to rrdcached: %s",
                           rrd_strerror (rc));


Stephen Clark
*NetWolves Managed Services, LLC.*
Director of Technology
Phone: 813-579-3200
Fax: 813-882-0209
Email: steve.clark at netwolves.com
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