[rrd-developers] Introducing: rrd modify

Peter Stamfest peter at stamfest.at
Thu Feb 27 12:38:56 CET 2014

Am 2014-02-26 15:24, schrieb Tobias Oetiker:
> Hi Peter,
> thanks ... its merged ...

Which leaves me to ask for feedback to the command syntax I invented.
Currently the syntax is

DEL:<ds-name>  for DS deletion and standard rrdcreate DS:<...> syntax
for DS addition.

- which made sense.

When changing RRAs I'm thinking about:

DELRRA:<index>   with <index> being the index spit out by rrdinfo for
deletion and standard rrdcreate RRA:<....> syntax for RRA creation.

Changing the number of rows for RRAs could be:

RRA#<index>:[+-=]<number> to add/remove/set the number of RRA entries

Doing automatic consolidation for modified RRAs will likely only work
for AVERAGE, MIN, MAX, LAST   consolidation functions.

Changing the step size might be constrained by requireing the old and
the new step size to be related by a multiplicative factor of N or 1/N
with N being a whole (positive) number. I can't promise this, however,
to be available soon.

> Today Peter Stamfest wrote:
>> Am 2014-02-25 09:24, schrieb Tobias Oetiker:
>>> Hi Peter,
>>> Today Peter Stamfest wrote:
>>>> Hi List, Hi Tobi,
>>>> I have implemented a "rrd modify" command. Essentially, it takes an
>>>> input RRD, adds or removes data sources and creates an output RRD.
>>>> My current imlementation can be found in branch "rrdmodify" at
>>>> https://github.com/stamfest/rrdtool-1.x#
>>>> That branch does not properly merge against master, currently. I'm
>>>> currently trying to rebase it to master...
>>> that looks good, since it is not a bugfix, it would be better to
>>> make it apply to master
>> I have added the branch "rrdmodify-master" to the git repo at
>> https://github.com/stamfest/rrdtool-1.x#
>> This is essentially a rebase of rrdmodify from its branching point at
>> 1.4 to master, so it does not contain anything not created by me. It
>> should work just as well as the rrdmodify branch. So: please pull!
>> Note that the branch contains some changes that might be useful for
>> other things as well: I factored out parseDS and avoided some code
>> duplication in rrd_client.c (rrd_flush / rrd_forget use a common
>> function that might be reused for other filename based rrdcached
>> commands). One goal should definitly be (read: 2.0) to get rid of code
>> duplication and  become more modular overall.
>> I'll look into RRA modification...
>> peter
>>> cheers
>>> tobi
>>>> peter

Dipl.-Ing. Peter Stamfest     UNIX, Networking & Computing Consultant
Tel: +43/699/10711205         Software Development - Internetservices
E-Mail: peter at stamfest.at     WWW: http://stamfest.at/

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