[rrd-users] Re: MRTG to RRD XML file

Dale Hege fhege at sover.net
Wed Aug 18 15:35:27 MEST 1999

On Wed, 18 Aug 1999, Tobias Oetiker wrote:

> Yesterday you sent me mail regarding Re: [rrd-users] MRTG to RRD XML file:
> *> So using the MRTG format and the RRD format from log2rrd I would do
> *> something like this?
> *> 
> *> RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:600         is lines 3-603 section 2 & 3
> *> RRA:MAX:0.5:1:600             is lines 3-603 section 4 & 5
> *> RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:600         is lines 603-1203 section 2 & 3
> *> RRA:MAX:0.5:6:600             is lines 603-1203 section 4 & 5
> *> RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:600        is lines 1203-1803 section 2 & 3
> *> RRA:MAX:0.5:24:600            is lines 1203-1803 section 4 & 5
> *> RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:288:732       is lines 1803-end section 2 & 3
> *> RRA:MAX:0.5:288:732           is lines 1803-end section 4 & 5
> *> 
> *> For which values in the xml should I calculate?
> you should not take this aproach ... relying on the line count will fail ... 
> you need to write a little program which integrates (math) the space under the 4
> curves described by the values in the *.log file and then use this data to
> calculate (math) the values which go into the different RRAs ... 

Okay, at this point I'm just working on the math. :) Can someone let me
know if I'm going in the wrong direction. 

I read in the MRTG log file.
Split it up into the 5 pieces. time, in, out, maxin, & maxout.
Run though and break up the information into the 4 curves.
Search for missing intervals.
	Take missing intervals and look for data in that interval and
	create a value. (Currently from more recent data, I should
	probably also look at the history for current interval.)

	I will also take the largest value found and stick it in as the
	max for the interval.

That's it for now. Comments are very welcome.


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