[rrd-users] Re: I'm getting confused,...

Tobias Oetiker oetiker at ee.ethz.ch
Wed Jul 28 16:39:24 MEST 1999

Today you sent me mail regarding [rrd-users] I'm getting confused,...:

*> With Referance back to my previous message,
*> Basically I wish to graph the number of mail items passed in a 5 minute
*> period against time,..
*> My data source is the output of mailstats massaged and thrown into an rrd
*> These values continue to increase over time.
*> ie.
*> Statistics from Fri Apr 23 06:43:44 1999
*>  M   msgsfr  bytes_from   msgsto    bytes_to  msgsrej msgsdis  Mailer
*>  1        0          0K       38       6617K        0       0  *file*
*>  3   170322   36071001K        0          0K      178       0  local
*>  5  2801469  222467689K  3323986  295160636K     9825       0  esmtp
*> =============================================================
*>  T  2971791  258538690K  3324024  295167253K    10003       0
*> I was unsure of which archive type I wanted, so I just slapped them all in
*> /usr/local/bin/rrdtool create messages.rrd      \
*>         -b -86410                               \
*>         DS:msgs_from:COUNTER:600:U:U            \
*>         DS:msgs_to:COUNTER:600:U:U              \
*>         DS:msgs_rej:COUNTER:600:U:U             \
*>         DS:msgs_disCOUNTER:600:U:U              \
*>         DS:msgs_total:COUNTER:600:U:U           \
*>         RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:900                   \
*>         RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:900                   \
*>         RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:900                  \
*>         RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:288:800                 \
*>         RRA:MAX:0.5:1:900                       \
*>         RRA:MAX:0.5:6:900                       \
*>         RRA:MAX:0.5:24:900                      \
*>         RRA:MAX:0.5:288:800                     \
*>         RRA:MIN:0.5:1:900                       \
*>         RRA:MIN:0.5:6:900                       \
*>         RRA:MIN:0.5:24:900                      \
*>         RRA:MIN:0.5:288:800                     \
*>         RRA:LAST:0.5:1:900                      \
*>         RRA:LAST:0.5:6:900                      \
*>         RRA:LAST:0.5:24:900                     \
*>         RRA:LAST:0.5:288:800
*> with come 'magic' the shell script thats been written telnets to a port on the
*> mailserver from which inetd calls a shell script to produce various stats 
*> including the output of mailstats which is then fed back into the rrd as follows
*> /usr/local/bin/rrdtool  update  $DIR/messages.rrd               \
*>         -t msgs_from:msgs_to:msgs_rej:msgs_dis:msgs_total       \
*> Then, (and this is where, for me, it goes horribly wrong), the following
*> incantation is used
*> /usr/local/bin/rrdtool  graph   $DIR/messages-day.gif           \
*>         -v "No. of Messages"                                    \
*>         -i                                                      \
*>         -w 800                                                  \
*>         -h 300                                                  \
*>         -t "Rolling 24hr graph of Host: $HOSTNAME Date: `date \"+%a %D [ %T ]\"`"       \
*>         --start -86400                                          \
*>         DEF:msgs_from=$DIR/messages.rrd:msgs_from:AVERAGE       \
*>         DEF:msgs_to=$DIR/messages.rrd:msgs_to:AVERAGE           \
*>         DEF:msgs_rej=$DIR/messages.rrd:msgs_rej:AVERAGE         \
*>         DEF:msgs_total=$DIR/messages.rrd:msgs_total:AVERAGE     \
*>         VRULE:$MIDNIGHT_PAST#ff0000                             \
*>         VRULE:$MIDNIGHT#ff0000                                  \
*>         COMMENT:"Colour Key:\n"                                 \
*>         AREA:msgs_total#00ff00:"Total Messages = "              \
*>         GPRINT:msgs_total:AVERAGE:"%lf\n"                       \
*>         LINE1:msgs_from#ff0000:"Messages from  = "              \
*>         GPRINT:msgs_from:AVERAGE:"%lf\n"                        \
*>         LINE1:msgs_to#ff00ff:"Messages to    = "                \
*>         GPRINT:msgs_to:AVERAGE:"%lf\n"                          \
*>         LINE1:msgs_rej#0000ff:"Messages rej   = "               \
*>         GPRINT:msgs_rej:AVERAGE:"%lf\n"          
*> (note the date used above is AIX's date function not GNU's)
*> I have an issue with this.
*> The average messages per *second* is graphed, I wanted the number
*> of messages in a 5 minute interval ie the X axis runs
*> from 0->600 as opposed to 0->4.2 (msgs/5min vs msgs/second)
*> What am I missing?.. (btw, just for fun this will eventually get
*> thrown at the contrib section of rrdtool, so I'm trying to make a decent
*> job of it all.

rrd always works on a 'per second' metaphor. but you can use CDEF to
multiply your data with 300 in order to get 'per 5 minute' values


check the tutorial ... there is such an example ... 

*> Phil
*> =--=
*> --
*> * To unsubscribe from the rrd-users mailing list, send a message with the
*>   subject: unsubscribe to rrd-users-request at list.ee.ethz.ch

 ______    __   _
/_  __/_  / /  (_) Oetiker, Timelord & SysMgr @ EE-Dept ETH-Zurich
 / // _ \/ _ \/ / TEL: +41(0)1-6325286  FAX:...1517  ICQ: 10419518 
/_/ \.__/_.__/_/ oetiker at ee.ethz.ch http://ee-staff.ethz.ch/~oetiker

* To unsubscribe from the rrd-users mailing list, send a message with the
  subject: unsubscribe to rrd-users-request at list.ee.ethz.ch

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