[rrd-users] incorrect updates

Srinivas Vangari svangari at UU.NET
Tue Sep 21 22:14:52 MEST 1999


I just started using RRDTOOL. I created an RRD with the following command

rrdtool create example.rrd --step 60 DS:ds1:ABSOLUTE:120:0:100 \
	DS:ds2:ABSOLUTE:120:0:100 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:60 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:10:6

Now I update the RRD with the following values

rrdtool update example.rrd N:89:98

which should insert values 89 and 98 at the current time. However when
checked using
fetch it displays 1.48 and 1.63 instead. These values are not that useful
for generating graphs. Any thoughts as to what's going on?

937944060	NaN	NaN
937944120	1.48	1.63
937944180	NaN	NaN

Also it looks restrictive to use longtime format (secs since 1970) as
timestamp for
updates. The update man page doesn't talk about any other format, not even
AT-STYLE spec.
I am not sure if there is a UNIX time command to get the number of secs
since 1970.
I had to write a small C program to get the longtime with time.h


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