[rrd-users] Re: Fw: Re: More confisuion.

Alex van den Bogaerdt alex at slot.hollandcasino.nl
Sun Jun 17 11:08:32 MEST 2001

spamfilter wrote:

>  Uhm, But, my rrd seems to "discard" evertyhtong older then 24 hours, why is
>  that? Output of "info" below. if i then use a graph of all the date i have,
>  it seems "cut" at "present time - 24 hours"?
> Oh, and also. Adding a datasource to a RRD, i gather that is not supported?

No, it is not (yet) supported.  Many people have suggested it and it
wouldn't surprise me if such a feature will make it into a next release.

Mind that it is often best to create another database, especially if you
want the extra DS to accomodate stats for another interface.

[a lot of the rrdtool info output removed]

>  step = 300

Five minutes per PDP

>  rra[0].cf = "AVERAGE"
>  rra[0].rows = 288
>  rra[0].pdp_per_row = 1

288 rows of 1 PDP per CDP: exactly 24 hours worth of data, you can show
288 pixels where each pixel shows 5 minutes.

>  rra[1].cf = "AVERAGE"
>  rra[1].rows = 31
>  rra[1].pdp_per_row = 288

31 rows of 288 PDPs per CDP: exactly 31 days worth of data, you can show
31 pixels where each pixel shows 1 day

>  rra[2].cf = "AVERAGE"
>  rra[2].rows = 52
>  rra[2].pdp_per_row = 2016

52 rows of 2016 PDPs per CDP: exactly 52 weeks worth of data, you can show
52 pixels where each pixel shows 1 week

[snipped: same RRAs but now for MAX]

So, you have the following data available:

Resolution 5 minutes:
  24 hours averages
  24 hours maxima
Resolution 1 day:
  31 days averages
  31 days maxima
Resolution 1 week:
  52 weeks averages
  52 weeks maxima

If you create a graph that has only 52 pixels and query the following
start and end times, what happens ?

rrdtool graph mytest.png -A PNG --width --start 52w --end 992476800
(fill out the rest of the graph script as usual)

I think you should end up with a valid graph, albeit a small one.

Make sure you know what graphs you would like to show.  You probably
want the default 400-pixel wide graphs.  Each pixel should have a
corresponding CDP in the database.  For instance:

400 CDPs of   1 PDP  each (  1 day,  9 hours, 20 minutes)
400 CDPs of  24 PDPs each ( 33 days, 8 hours)
400 CDPs of 288 PDPs each (400 days)

 / alex at slot.hollandcasino.nl                  alex at ergens.op.het.net \
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