[rrd-users] Bulk updating rrd - how???

John Goor nlgoor01 at EY.NL
Fri Sep 13 08:49:45 MEST 2002

When I have the following script:

my $start       = "1022925300"; # When should the database start?
my $dsn         = "data";       # DataSourceName
my $dst         = "ABSOLUTE";   # DataSourceType
my $min         = "U";          # What is the minimum value accepted?
my $max         = "U";          # What is the maximum value accepted?
my $int         = 300;

RRDs::create   ($rrd, "--start", "$start",

The next problems and questions arise:
- when i fetch the database, 295 lines show up.
I expect 10 lines however (for 10 samples are specified in the RRA)
- I want the db to start at the time specified, 1022925300 because the data
I enter starts at 1022925600.
When I use RRDs::fetch (the script from the tutorial),1031863200 shows up
as the last date and 1031776500 as the first.

There should be a way to bulk-update isn't there?
I did a post earlier, got a reply, tried to follow the instructions but did
not succeed.

My assumption is the next:
when I create a database and I have already data waiting, I must be able to
fill the rrd with the history-data to achief relevant statistics
immediately and don't have to wait 1 week to get a last week's average. I
don't understand why this should'n be supported, so I expect someone can
help me.

Thanks in advance!

I'd appreciate if anyone could give me some sample lines which will prove
my assumption to be true.

Can someone help me?

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