[rrd-users] radauth problem...

ETI - Barry Irchad Kader ikbarry at eti.net.gn
Sat Apr 12 13:36:58 MEST 2003

I've been using gnu radius 0.96.3 for a while and I decided now to
install 0.96.4 on a new pc. The options used during the installation

./configure --with-mysql --with-lib=/usr/lib/mysql

Then I ran make, make install and all went correctly without any error

After this installation, I edited the file db/config.m4 in order to set
CREATOR, CREATOR_PASSWORD, DB_USER, DB_PWD.  Then I ran ./db/make mysql.

[root at kilimanjaroo db]# make mysql
/usr/bin/m4 -DMODE=STRUCT -DINCLUDE=mysql.m4 db.m4 > mysql.struct
/usr/bin/m4 -DMODE=CREATE -DINCLUDE=mysql.m4 db.m4 > mysql.sh
/bin/sh mysql.sh
ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: 'root at localhost' (Using password:
make: *** [mysql] Error 1

Anyway, I thought it was a problem with users privileges, so I created
manually the database structure:

[root at kilimanjaroo db]# mysql -u root -p < mysql.struct

I checked that the creation were ok:

mysql> show databases;
| Database |
| RADIUS   |
| mysql    |
| test     |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> use RADIUS;
Database changed
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_RADIUS |
| attrib           |
| calls            |
| groups           |
| passwd           |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

I created two test users. With one user, the password was set in clear
text and with the second one, I used the password function of mysql.
Here is the contents of passwd table:

mysql> select * from passwd;
| user_name    | service    | password         | active |
| kilimanjaro  | Framed-PPP | uhuru            | Y      |
| kilimanjaro2 | Framed-PPP | 352336f3484a5d10 | Y      |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Then I configured the radius server.
Attached, clients, client.conf and config files.

Then I ran the tests:

=================test 1=================================================
[root at kilimanjaroo db]# radauth -v -slocalhost:internet:1645 kilimanjaro
      send: User-Name = kilimanjaro
      send: Password = uhuru
      send: NAS-Port-Id = 0
      recv: Reply-Message = \015\012Access denied\015\012
expect 2
got    3

==========test 2=======================================================
[root at kilimanjaroo db]# radauth -v -slocalhost:internet:1645
kilimanjaro2 uhuru
      send: User-Name = kilimanjaro2
      send: Password = uhuru
      send: NAS-Port-Id = 0
      recv: Reply-Message = \015\012Access denied\015\012
expect 2
got    3

=================radius.log output=====================================
Apr 12 09:34:44: Main.info: Starting - reading configuration files ...
Apr 12 09:34:44: Main.info: reading /usr/local/etc/raddb/config
Apr 12 09:34:44: Main.info: ready
Apr 12 09:34:44: Main.info: /usr/local/etc/raddb/users reloaded.
Apr 12 09:34:44: Main.info: Ready to process requests.
Apr 12 11:29:41: Auth.notice: Login incorrect: [kilimanjaro/uhuru]: CLID
unknown (from nas local)
Apr 12 11:31:29: Auth.notice: Login incorrect: [kilimanjaro2/uhuru]:
CLID unknown (from nas local)

====================mysql.log output===================================
030412 11:29:41       2 Query       SELECT attr,value,op FROM attrib
WHERE user_name='kilimanjaro' AND op IS NOT NULL
                      2 Query       SELECT attr,value FROM attrib WHERE
user_name='kilimanjaro' AND op IS NULL
                      2 Query       SELECT password FROM passwd WHERE
user_name='kilimanjaro' AND active='Y'
030412 11:31:29       2 Query       SELECT attr,value,op FROM attrib
WHERE user_name='kilimanjaro2' AND op IS NOT NULL
                      2 Query       SELECT attr,value FROM attrib WHERE
user_name='kilimanjaro2' AND op IS NULL
                      2 Query       SELECT password FROM passwd WHERE
user_name='kilimanjaro2' AND active='Y'


I can't figure where is the problem. May be I'm missing something, as
usual... :^)

Can I have help, please?

Thanks in advance


-- Attached file removed by Ecartis and put at URL below --
-- Type: application/octet-stream
-- Size: 80 bytes
-- URL : http://www.ee.ethz.ch/~slist/pantomime/client.conf

-- Attached file removed by Ecartis and put at URL below --
-- Type: application/octet-stream
-- Size: 865 bytes
-- URL : http://www.ee.ethz.ch/~slist/pantomime/04-config

-- Attached file removed by Ecartis and put at URL below --
-- Type: application/octet-stream
-- Size: 285 bytes
-- URL : http://www.ee.ethz.ch/~slist/pantomime/clients

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