[rrd-users] Re: Help with running remstats

gab.seun jones.ewulomi seun_ewulomi at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 18 11:41:19 MET 2003

Hi Thomas,

Have downloaded and compiled it very fine. You just save me from having to 
compile a old version of perl. Thank you very much.

The only problem now is starting the remstats processes using 
./run-remstats2 has you suggested

I get this error in the LAST/LOGs
2003-03-17 16:36:56 read config file
2003-03-17 16:36:56 starting
2003-03-17 16:36:56 starting stage check
2003-03-17 16:36:56 forked 31315 for check:check-config
2003-03-17 16:36:57   finished 31315 for check:check-config
2003-03-17 16:36:57 done stage check
2003-03-17 16:36:57 starting stage ping
2003-03-17 16:36:57 forked 31317 for ping:ping
2003-03-17 16:37:10   finished 31317 for ping:ping
2003-03-17 16:37:10 done stage ping
2003-03-17 16:37:10 starting stage collectors
2003-03-17 16:37:10 forked 31323 for collectors:nt-status
2003-03-17 16:37:11 forked 31326 for collectors:dbi
2003-03-17 16:37:12 forked 31329 for collectors:port
2003-03-17 16:37:13 forked 31332 for collectors:log
2003-03-17 16:37:14 forked 31335 for collectors:snmp
2003-03-17 16:37:15 forked 31338 for collectors:unix-status
2003-03-17 16:37:20   finished 31326 for collectors:dbi
2003-03-17 16:37:21   finished 31329 for collectors:port
2003-03-17 16:37:21   finished 31323 for collectors:nt-status
2003-03-17 16:37:21   finished 31332 for collectors:log
2003-03-17 16:37:21   finished 31338 for collectors:unix-status
2003-03-17 16:37:22   finished 31335 for collectors:snmp
2003-03-17 16:37:22 done stage collectors
2003-03-17 16:37:22 starting stage post-collector
2003-03-17 16:37:22 forked 31343 for post-collector:error-collector
2003-03-17 16:37:23   finished 31343 for post-collector:error-collector
2003-03-17 16:37:23 done stage post-collector
2003-03-17 16:37:23 starting stage monitors
2003-03-17 16:37:23 forked 31346 for monitors:ping-monitor
2003-03-17 16:37:24 forked 31348 for monitors:alert-monitor
2003-03-17 16:37:25   finished 31346 for monitors:ping-monitor
2003-03-17 16:37:25   finished 31348 for monitors:alert-monitor
2003-03-17 16:37:25 done stage monitors
2003-03-17 16:37:25 starting stage pagemakers
2003-03-17 16:37:25   check for 'CONFIGCHANGE' failed; skipped
2003-03-17 16:37:25 done stage FINISH
DEBUG output of ./run-remstats2

[remstats at remstats-server bin]$ ./run-remstats2 -d 000
DEBUG: Starting stage check
DEBUG:   check for '' passed
DEBUG: Starting stage ping
DEBUG:   check for '' passed
DEBUG: Starting stage collectors
DEBUG:   check for '' passed
DEBUG: Starting stage post-collector
DEBUG:   check for '' passed
DEBUG:     freq: post-collector:error-collector: last=0, freq=300 => 1
DEBUG:   2003-03-17 17:09:29 31750 forked for post-collector:error-collector
DEBUG:   2003-03-17 17:09:31 31750 finished for 
DEBUG: Starting stage monitors
DEBUG:   check for '' passed
DEBUG: Starting stage pagemakers
DEBUG: last changed config was /var/remstats/etc/config/./html at 2003-03-17 
DEBUG: check_when: stage=pagemakers, check=CONFIGCHANGE => 0
DEBUG:   check for 'CONFIGCHANGE' failed; skipped

1)when I invoke the ./run-remstats2 command it just hangs then quits. But 
when I do a ps I see no remstat processes
2)AFAIK All the file have been created under the hosts, data, html etc 
3)To go to the remstats url index page. typing the http://<ip address of 
server> I presume should take me straight there but all I see is the apache 
test page.

It is saying failed for 'CONFIGCHANGE'. i really dont know what to do with 
that file or what it does

Please any help will me appreciated. I feel so discouraged.


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