[rrd-users] consolidating WLAN speed

Maik Toepfer maiktoepfer at web.de
Sat Feb 4 10:50:51 MET 2006


I want to collect WLAN speed of a client over a
longer period. Since WLAN speed are discret data
rates (1Mbit/s,2 Mbit/s,5.5Mbits and 11Mbit/s in
my case) I can't use averaging inside the archive 
since a  speed of e.g. 7.8 MBit/s is not one of 
the physically possible 802.11b rates.

Min, Max and Last would give me a valid data rate
but would not take the actual distribution into

I'm trying to convince rrdtool to use something like
"maximum value of a distribution" to store as a PDP
in a consolidated RRA.


rrdtool create wlanspeed.rrd --step 60 \

Minute Speed
1      5.5
2      2
3      11
4      5.5
5      2
6      5.5
7      11
8      5.5
9      5.5
10     11

The line RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:120 will store the data as they 
come in (considering a correct update cycle).
However, if the data gets consolidated at line
RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:10:288 the build in consolidation functions
would deliver:

MAX: 11
MIN: 2
LAST: 11

what I want to do:
Speed    Occurance
2:       2x
5.5:     6x -> Maximum, 5.5 gets stored
11:      2x

Is there a way of doing that with rrdtool?

Thanks for the support,


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