[rrd-users] Not understanding the 'create' function....

Leif Neland leif at neland.dk
Fri Apr 20 07:56:14 CEST 2007

David Ball skrev:
>   I feel a bit sheepish asking, but this just doesn't make sense to
> me.  I create a test RRD as follows:
> # /usr/local/rrdtool-1.2.19/bin/rrdtool create ../tmp/testRRD3.rrd
> --start 1167609600 --step 300 DS:bps:COUNTER:600:0:150000000
> RRA:MAX:0.5:1:10000
> But when I do a dump of it, the first timestamp in the RRD is no where
> NEAR what I specified in my 'create' statement.  In fact, the LAST
> timeslot in my database is the timestamp I mentioned for the START of
> the RRD....
> # /usr/local/rrdtool-1.2.19/bin/rrdtool dump ../tmp/testRRD3.rrd | less
> <snip>
> <!-- 2006-11-26 23:45:00 MST / 1164609900 --> <row><v> NaN </v></row>
Does it really matter?

When you enter your first real data, things will sort themselves out.

The only thing that matters is that RRD won't accept data that is 
*before* your startdate.


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