[rrd-users] PHP bindings for rpm-based system

William R. Lorenz wrl at express.org
Sun Nov 30 03:02:49 CET 2008

Hey Karl,

On Sun, 30 Nov 2008, Karl Fischer wrote:

>>>> You can find the php-rrdtool-*.rpm files at the following location:

>>> Why do people continue to point people to the DAG repository which 
>>> seems to be way outdated for me. I'm constantly looking for new 
>>> rrdtool*rpms, but this place hasn't been updated over a year now ... 
>>> Isn't there anything newer than that?

>> There will be tomorrow. ;-)  What version(s) do you want?

> Well, what I would love to have is the very last version of the 1.2 tree 
> (1.2.28 + patch with the xport function fixed) as well as a recent 1.3.* 
> all for CentOS 4 PS: I'm not only talking 'bout the php-bindings, but 
> the entire rrdtool

I have the latest 1.3.* stuff built for CentOS 5 and the latest Fedora 
Core already -- I'll try do so some back-porting to RHEL/CentOS 4, also. 
Last I built these for someone was a few weeks ago, and I remember there 
were some compat issues on RHEL/CentOS 4 with the latest 1.3.* sources. 
I'll take another look at that and see if I can't get it all packaged up.

I just recently started following the rrdtool list recently, largely in 
part due to a new project over here -- perhaps you could help me to better 
understand the differences between the 1.2.* and 1.3.* branches?  Is there 
a stable/development differentiation between the branches in versioning?

William R. Lorenz

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