[rrd-users] Aggregated Graph gives blank space when one of the interfaces does not give response

Firdous Saleheen saleheen.firdous at mango.com.bd
Fri Apr 10 11:08:20 CEST 2009


We graph our three STM-1 uplink with MRTG-RRD: singtel, tis and singtel-ctg.
We also graph submarine= singtel+tis+singtel-ctg writing this line in cfg
file :
Target[submarine]: 24:mangouser at ip1:::::3 + 33:mangouser at ip1:::::3 +
17:mangouser at ip2:::::3

It happened that there occurred a flap in our transmission line and we are
unable to get response from one of our devices which is connected to
singtel-ctg. In that instance there is a blank space in submarine graph
while the other two uplinks are live.

Can anyone please point where the problem is ?

I am attaching log here. And the version and platform are as follows:

MRTG version : 2.16.2
RRDtool version : 1.2.27
SNMP version : 3
Platform : CentOS release 5.2 (Final)

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