[rrd-users] how correctly make speed graphics

Alex van den Bogaerdt alex at vandenbogaerdt.nl
Wed May 25 11:41:00 CEST 2011

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "moose" <moose at email.ua>
To: <rrd-users at lists.oetiker.ch>
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2011 11:26 AM
Subject: Re: [rrd-users] how correctly make speed graphics

> Could someone help me
> How to show correct speed like "DEF:in=$rdb:IN:AVERAGE " do
> in "GPRINT:in_avg:AVERAGE:Speed IN\\: \%6.2lf kbyte"
> I tried 
> CDEF:avg=in,1,* \

Why do you think multiplying by 1 does make a difference? And how?

> GPRINT:avg:AVERAGE:Speed IN\\: \%6.2lf kbyte 
> but it shows unreal values

It will show the average of what is in your database.
If that is not "real", then what you put in is not what you expect to have put in.

> GPRINT:avg:AVERAGE:Speed IN\\: \%6.2lf kbyte

GPRINT (and PRINT) comes in two variants.  One to be used with variables from DEF or CDEF (arrays) and one to be used with variables from VDEF (single values).

You try to print a VDEF using a statement to be used for CDEF.
RRDtool sees "AVERAGE" as the legend/comment, and notices there is some extra "garbage".

Either remove "AVERAGE" from your GPRINT statement there, or use "in" instead of "avg" in it.

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