[rrd-users] rrdtool restore trouble with min/max

Michael Kluge Michael.Kluge at tu-dresden.de
Fri Nov 25 10:17:54 CET 2011

Hi list,

calling "dump" and "restore" with LANG=C in front seems to work. So it has to 

LANG=C rrtool dump ...
LANG=C rrtool restore ...


Am Freitag, 25. November 2011, 10:08:24 schrieb Michael Kluge:
> Hi list,
> I am trying to migrate a couple of rrd files between two architectures.
> "info" on the first machine shows:
> mkluge at lustremon:~/klotzsche> rrdtool info /rrd/databases/klotzsche.rrd
> filename = "/rrd/databases/klotzsche.rrd"
> rrd_version = "0003"
> step = 300
> last_update = 1322210401
> ds[KLOTZSCHE].type = "GAUGE"
> ds[KLOTZSCHE].minimal_heartbeat = 600
> ds[KLOTZSCHE].min = -5,0000000000e+01
> ds[KLOTZSCHE].max = 1,0000000000e+02
> min is -50 and max is 100.
> Running "dump" on the first machine (RRDtool 1.3.0) creates an XML file
> which contains:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <!DOCTYPE rrd SYSTEM "http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool/rrdtool.dtd">
> <!-- Round Robin Database Dump --><rrd> <version> 0003 </version>
>         <step> 300 </step> <!-- Seconds -->
>         <lastupdate> 1322211601 </lastupdate> <!-- 2011-11-25 10:00:01 CET
> -->
>         <ds>
>                 <name> KLOTZSCHE </name>
>                 <type> GAUGE </type>
>                 <minimal_heartbeat> 600 </minimal_heartbeat>
>                 <min> -5,0000000000e+01 </min>
>                 <max> 1,0000000000e+02 </max>
> So this looks good. After copying the file and running "restore -f" on the
> new machine (RRDtool 1.4.3), I have a rrd database where "info" says:
> rrd at dataheap:~$ rrdtool info /db/rrd/databases/klotzsche.rrd
> filename = "/db/rrd/databases/klotzsche.rrd"
> rrd_version = "0003"
> step = 300
> last_update = 1322210401
> header_size = 592
> ds[KLOTZSCHE].index = 0
> ds[KLOTZSCHE].type = "GAUGE"
> ds[KLOTZSCHE].minimal_heartbeat = 600
> ds[KLOTZSCHE].min = -5,0000000000e+00
> ds[KLOTZSCHE].max = 1,0000000000e+00
> So the min/max values from the rrd definition do not get restored
> correctly. Is this a bug or did I made a mistake? On both machines I have:
> LANG=de_DE.UTF-8
> Regards, Michael


Dr.-Ing. Michael Kluge

Technische Universität Dresden
Center for Information Services and
High Performance Computing (ZIH)
D-01062 Dresden

Willersbau, Room A 208
Phone:  (+49) 351 463-34217
Fax:    (+49) 351 463-37773
e-mail: michael.kluge at tu-dresden.de
WWW:    http://www.tu-dresden.de/zih

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