[rrd-users] Graphing based of specifc end time.

Michael Van Der Beek michael.van at antlabs.com
Wed Feb 8 06:29:17 CET 2012

Hi All,

I've setup a way to collect logs and later import logs into an rrd database.

Now lets say at the time of collection is 2pm.

By the time (say 4pm) I return to the office and import the data into the rrd database.

The graph when generated will show a time gape of between 4pm and 2pm (where the last data is seen).
This is because the graph by default is the latest time.

How do I specify to rrdgraph that I want to only show the graph up to the last time of data collection (2pm).
I can obtain the last unixtime of the last record imported to put it into a script if that helps.

Here is a sample of the graph I am generating.
$1 = 1 day, 1 week, 5 weeks, 1 year
$2 = file name extension for 1day, 1 week,5 weeks, 1year

rrdtool graph $GRAPHOPTS --start -$1 $WWWPREFIX/client-$2.$IMGFILEEND -w $WSIZE -h $HSIZE -l 0\
         -t "Client License Utilisation" \
         -v "packets" \
         DEF:client-license=$FILE.$RRDFILEEND:client-license:AVERAGE  \
         DEF:client-detected=$FILE.$RRDFILEEND:client-detected:AVERAGE \
         DEF:client-active=$FILE.$RRDFILEEND:client-active:AVERAGE \
         DEF:client-paying=$FILE.$RRDFILEEND:client-paying:AVERAGE \
         DEF:client-internet=$FILE.$RRDFILEEND:client-internet:AVERAGE \
         LINE1:client-license#ff00ff:"License " \
         LINE2:client-detected#0000ff:"Detected "  \
         LINE3:client-active#00ffff:"Active "  \
         LINE4:client-paying#ffff00:"Logged in "  \
         LINE5:client-internet#ff0000:"Network Devices "  \
         CDEF:perc-client-license=client-license,1,* \
         CDEF:perc-client-detected=client-detected,1,* \
         CDEF:perc-client-active=client-active,1,* \
        CDEF:perc-client-paying=client-paying,1,* \
         CDEF:perc-client-internet=client-internet,1,* \
         COMMENT:"\l" \
         COMMENT:"Licenese limit   " \
         GPRINT:perc-client-license:AVERAGE:"avg %6.1lf \t" \
         GPRINT:perc-client-license:LAST:"last %6.1lf \t" \
         GPRINT:perc-client-license:MAX:"max %6.1lf " \
         COMMENT:"\l" \
         COMMENT:"Detected devices " \
         GPRINT:perc-client-detected:AVERAGE:"avg %6.1lf \t" \
         GPRINT:perc-client-detected:LAST:"last %6.1lf \t" \
         GPRINT:perc-client-detected:MAX:"max %6.1lf " \
         COMMENT:"\l" \
         COMMENT:"Active devices   " \
         GPRINT:perc-client-active:AVERAGE:"avg %6.1lf \t" \
         GPRINT:perc-client-active:LAST:"last %6.1lf \t" \
         GPRINT:perc-client-active:MAX:"max %6.1lf " \
         COMMENT:"\l" \
         COMMENT:"Logged in users  " \
         GPRINT:perc-client-paying:AVERAGE:"avg %6.1lf \t" \
         GPRINT:perc-client-paying:LAST:"last %6.1lf \t" \
         GPRINT:perc-client-paying:MAX:"max %6.1lf " \
         COMMENT:"\l" \
         COMMENT:"Network Devices  " \
         GPRINT:perc-client-internet:AVERAGE:"avg %6.1lf \t" \
         GPRINT:perc-client-internet:LAST:"last %6.1lf \t" \
         GPRINT:perc-client-internet:MAX:"max %6.1lf" \

Could somebody comment on how to do this?

Thanks a lot!



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