[rrd-users] rrdcached base directory question

Stefan Parvu sparvu at systemdatarecorder.org
Sun Jun 24 10:21:46 CEST 2012

On 23:53 Sat 23 Jun     , Steve Shipway wrote:
> I assume /opt/sdr/report/db/sys/sys.rhel5764.rrd   DOES actually exist, AND is readable by the rrdcached process?
> I'm not sure whether or not the -B option forbids use of subdirectories or not.  I think it permits them but would need to check the documentation.

yeah it is. sdr username owns the rrd files and rrdcached is started as
sdr username. I tried many things last night, without -B, but Im not able to use 
basedir and relative paths when using rrdcahced with unix domain sockets.

I have always to use absolute paths. Then it is ok.

So if Im not wrong, when using a listener defined as unix domain socket
relative paths must work too ? Correct ?


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