[rrd-users] Please check my RRA's configuration

Michał Obrembski systerneox at wp.pl
Wed May 29 09:55:26 CEST 2013

Hi all!

Recently, i've started learning RRDTool.
What i'm trying to do, is to create 5 grahs from RRD's database of random numbers.
Numbers are inserted to RRD with default, 5 minutes interval. Here's PHP code which generates RRDs and graphs and inserts data into database:

function create_graph($output, $start, $end, $title, $rrd) {
		$options = array(
			"--start", $start,
			"--end", $end,
	function create_graph2($output, $start, $end, $title, $rrd) {
		$options = array(
			"--start", $start,
			"--end", $end,
	$rrd = new rrd_exec_access();
	$arr = array(
	 "--step" => "300",
	 //"-b" => "now-6m", 
	$now = time();
	$end = $now+(3600*24*14);
	for ($t=$now; $t<=$end; $t+=300) {
		$success = rand(0, 100);
		$failure = rand(0, 100);
		//$precent = ($t/($end/100))*100;
		//echo $precent."%\n";
create_graph("login-hour.gif", "now", "+1h", "Hourly login attempts",$rrd);
create_graph2("login-day.gif", "now", "+24h", "Daily login attempts",$rrd);
create_graph2("login-week.gif", "now", "+1w", "Weekly login attempts",$rrd);
create_graph2("login-month.gif", "now", "+1m", "Monthly login attempts",$rrd);
create_graph2("login-year.gif", "now", "+1y", "Yearly login attempts",$rrd);

I want to create hourly graph, which will shows actual data whose were inserted, a daily graph with the average for every hour, Weekly for average for every day in a week etc.

SO, for daily graphs it should be 
	 "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:12:24", - 12 probes in hour, 24 hours
for monthly:
	 "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:288:31", - 288 probes in month, 31 months

Graphs looks ok, the problem is with daily graph. It shows only difference between days (the average from day), not between hours in a day.

I think i misunderstood something, could you help me with it?

Michal Obrembski

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