[rrd-users] RRD Legend formatting problem

Steve Shipway s.shipway at auckland.ac.nz
Fri Sep 6 02:34:39 CEST 2013

> Below is my RRDgraph code and a link to what the legend looks like.  If the
> problem isn't clear, I
>     "COMMENT:        ",
>     "COMMENT:LAST    ",
>     "COMMENT:MAX     \l",
>     "AREA:a#00C000:auth",
>     "GPRINT:a:LAST:%2.0lf %S",
>     "GPRINT:aa:MAX:%2.0lf %S\l",
>     "AREA:g#00C0FF:guest:STACK",
>     "GPRINT:g:LAST:%2.0lf %S",
>     "GPRINT:gg:MAX:%2.0lf %S\l",

It looks like you may not be escaping the backstroke.  I'm guessing you're using Perl, and with a double-quoted string, you'll need to escape the backstroke like this:

     "COMMENT:        ",
     "COMMENT:LAST    ",
     "COMMENT:MAX     \\l",
     "GPRINT:a:LAST:%2.0lf %S",
     "GPRINT:aa:MAX:%2.0lf %S\\l",
     "GPRINT:g:LAST:%2.0lf %S",
     "GPRINT:gg:MAX:%2.0lf %S\\l",

This should fix your problem.  


Steve Shipway
ITS Unix Services Design Lead
University of Auckland, New Zealand
Floor 1, 58 Symonds Street, Auckland
Phone: +64 (0)9 3737599 ext 86487
DDI: +64 (0)9 923 6487
Mobile: +64 (0)21 753 189
Email: s.shipway at auckland.ac.nz
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