[smokeping-users] Re: 0.99.9 is out

Paul C. Williamson pwilliamson at mandtbank.com
Sat Jan 19 04:48:48 MET 2002

Ok, I kinda understand that.  But that still doesn't 
explain why some of the preview graphs don't show any 
numbers along the left side of the graph.


>>> Tobias Oetiker <oetiker at ee.ethz.ch> 01/18/02 17:10 PM >>>

the algorithm as it is being used now works in the following way:

1) build the avearage median for all graphs on the page
2) order them by size, and pick the middle one
3) build a group of all medians which are within either unison_tolerance
   times larger or smaller than the chosen middle median.
4) the graphs are as high as necessary to show the largest of the
   medians in this group. The other members of the group are scaled

one problem which remains is that currently we use the lazy update
algorithm, this means, that when there is a change in the setup,
not all graphs will be redrawn. I will implement a fix for this by
storing the max for each graph separately in order to know when it
has to be redrawn because the scaling has changed ...

all confused ?


 ______    __   _
/_  __/_  / /  (_) Oetiker, ETZ J97, ETH, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland
 / // _ \/ _ \/ / phoneto:+41(0)1-632-5286  faxto:+41(0)1-632-1517
/_/ \.__/_.__/_/ oetiker at ee.ethz.ch http://google.com/search?q=tobi

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