[smokeping-users] Re: Iteration taking longer than the polling cycle

Srinivas Makam smakam60540 at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 27 20:06:39 MEST 2005


This is to update you on the pinghost server issue of
locking up.
Since last Thursday, it is running OK. We can do ssh
and http remotely.
I made some changes to the SmokePing configuration.
Fping timeout was reduced from 5 sec to 1 sec for each
target host. The number of fpings per target in each
iteration was reduced from 20 to 10. The iteration
interval (polling) was increased from 5min to 7min.
The rationale behind this change is that we have a
large number of (630) targets we are monitoring. This
needed the readjustment of smokeping parameters to
make it work properly.
This seems to fix the problem. We will observe for a
few more days and see what happens.

--- Chris Wilson <chris at aidworld.org> wrote:

> Hi Srinivas,
> > What would be the impact of this? In my instance,
> smokeping is not
> > showing data after two or three days. The server
> seems to be locking
> > up also ( ssh and telnet services don't respond
> for remote login).
> > Since this is a head-less server, I have to walk
> to the machine and
> > reset it.
> Are you sure that Smokeping causes the lockup? If
> you don't run
> smokeping it doesn't lock up? Smokeping shouldn't be
> able to do that.
> Leave "top" running on the machine from a remote ssh
> session and see
> what happens.
> Cheers, Chris.
> -- 
> (aidworld) chris wilson | chief engineer
> (chris at aidworld.org)
> --
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