[smokeping-users] Do I need multiple instances to have smokeping maintain separate URLs?

James Long james at umpquanet.com
Sat Mar 24 04:43:41 CET 2007

I have a server that runs smokeping to monitor a customer's WAN.
The customer's smokeping page is password-protected by a simple
.htpasswd authentication in Apache.

We have another customer that wants a similar network set up.  
We are pleased with smokeping and would like to deploy it again,
and have smokeping maintain the viewable statistics under a 
separate URL that will also be password protected, so that one 
customer cannot view the other's network latency stats.

Do I need to run a separate instance of smokeping for each
customer to do this?  Or can I just create a config file which
lists the first customer's general parameters, alerts, and
targets, followed by the second customer's general parameters,
alerts, and targets, followed by a third, etc.

>From the little bit of poking around I've done to look at
how smokeping stores things under $datadir, it appears that
if we can keep everything in one config file, then we will
have to take care that the top-level target group names are
unique for each customer, such as the "+ ABC_WAN_sites" and
"+ ABC_WAN_sites" in the example below.  Duplication of host
names, as shown by use of curly, larry, and moe, would be
allowed, because they are stored heirarchically under the 
top-level ABC_WAN or XYZ_WAN directory.  True?

Are there other gotchas that must be kept unique in the single-
instance model?

And if we have to do it the hard way, with multiple instances,
is there any mechanism built in to smokeping to facilitate
this, or will I have to patch some/all of the perl/cgi scripts?
Any pointers as to which config file variables must be
instantiated to avoid having the smokeping instances trip
over each other's files?

Thank you very much, Tobi, and others.



*** General ***

owner    = My Name Here
contact  = support at example.com
mailhost = localhost
sendmail = /usr/sbin/sendmail
imgcache = /usr/local/smokeping/htdocs/img
imgurl   = /abc/wan/smokeimg
datadir  = /usr/local/var/smokeping
piddir  = /usr/local/var/smokeping
cgiurl   = http://www.example.com/abc/wan/smokeping/smokeping.cgi
smokemail = /usr/local/etc/smokeping/smokemail
tmail = /usr/local/etc/smokeping/tmail
# specify this to get syslog logging
syslogfacility = local0
# each probe is now run in its own process
# disable this to revert to the old behaviour
# concurrentprobes = no

*** Alerts ***
to = support at example.com
from = smokealert at www.example.com

type = loss
# in percent
pattern = ==0%,==0%,==0%,==0%,>0%,>0%,>0%
comment = suddenly there is packet loss

type = loss
# in percent
pattern = >0%,*12*,>0%,*12*,>0%
comment = loss 3 times  in a row

type = loss
# in percent
pattern = ==S,>0%,>0%,>0%
comment = loss at startup

type = rtt
# in milli seconds
pattern = <10,<10,<10,<10,<10,<100,>100,>100,>100
comment = routing mesed up again ?

*** Database ***

step     = 300
pings    = 20

# consfn mrhb steps total

AVERAGE  0.5   1  1008
AVERAGE  0.5  12  4320
    MIN  0.5  12  4320
    MAX  0.5  12  4320
AVERAGE  0.5 144   720
    MAX  0.5 144   720
    MIN  0.5 144   720

*** Presentation ***

template = /usr/local/etc/smokeping/basepage.html

+ overview 

width = 600
height = 50
range = 10h

+ detail

width = 600
height = 200
unison_tolerance = 2

"Last 3 Hours"    3h
"Last 30 Hours"   30h
"Last 10 Days"    10d
"Last 30 Days"    30d
"Last 400 Days"   400d

*** Probes ***

+ FPing

binary = /usr/local/sbin/fping

*** Targets ***

probe = FPing

menu = Top
title = Network Latency Grapher
remark = Please choose one of the target categories on the left.

+ ABC_WAN_sites
menu = ABC WAN
title = Hosts on the ABC WAN
++ curly
host = curly.example.com
++ larry
host = larry.example.com
++ moe
host = moe.example.com

*** General ***

owner    = My Name Here
contact  = support at example.com
mailhost = localhost
sendmail = /usr/sbin/sendmail
imgcache = /usr/local/smokeping/htdocs/img
imgurl   = /xyz/wan/smokeimg
datadir  = /usr/local/var/smokeping
piddir  = /usr/local/var/smokeping
cgiurl   = http://www.example.com/xyz/wan/smokeping/smokeping.cgi
smokemail = /usr/local/etc/smokeping/smokemail
tmail = /usr/local/etc/smokeping/tmail
# specify this to get syslog logging
syslogfacility = local0
# each probe is now run in its own process
# disable this to revert to the old behaviour
# concurrentprobes = no

*** Alerts ***
to = support at example.com
from = smokealert at www.example.com

type = loss
# in percent
pattern = ==0%,==0%,==0%,==0%,>0%,>0%,>0%
comment = suddenly there is packet loss

type = loss
# in percent
pattern = >0%,*12*,>0%,*12*,>0%
comment = loss 3 times  in a row

type = loss
# in percent
pattern = ==S,>0%,>0%,>0%
comment = loss at startup

type = rtt
# in milli seconds
pattern = <10,<10,<10,<10,<10,<100,>100,>100,>100
comment = routing mesed up again ?

*** Database ***

step     = 300
pings    = 20

# consfn mrhb steps total

AVERAGE  0.5   1  1008
AVERAGE  0.5  12  4320
    MIN  0.5  12  4320
    MAX  0.5  12  4320
AVERAGE  0.5 144   720
    MAX  0.5 144   720
    MIN  0.5 144   720

*** Presentation ***

template = /usr/local/etc/smokeping/basepage.html

+ overview 

width = 600
height = 50
range = 10h

+ detail

width = 600
height = 200
unison_tolerance = 2

"Last 3 Hours"    3h
"Last 30 Hours"   30h
"Last 10 Days"    10d
"Last 30 Days"    30d
"Last 400 Days"   400d

*** Probes ***

+ FPing

binary = /usr/local/sbin/fping

*** Targets ***

probe = FPing

menu = Top
title = Network Latency Grapher
remark = Please choose one of the target categories on the left.

+ XYZ_WAN_sites
menu = XYZ WAN
title = Hosts on the ABC WAN
++ curly
host = curly.example.com
++ larry
host = larry.example.com
++ moe
host = moe.example.com

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