[smokeping-users] Upgrading smoke pin to version 2.4.0

Mersberger, Robert robert.mersberger at goldenliving.com
Mon Feb 9 16:51:54 CET 2009

I am resending this because I have had no replies.  Is there someone that can help me with this request?

I am new with Unix and have recently been given the responsibility for these Unix applications.  I would like to upgrade Smokeping fro version 2.0.9 to 2.4.0 and would like to find a good document that would explain how this can be done in a fool proof manner.
Is there an RPM out there that does this?

I also need to know what the Hardware requirements are if I am polling 1600 devices every 120 seconds with 10 ping per site for each cycle.
  I am currently seeing the warning for Smokeping taking longer that 120 seconds and this happens 1 or twice per day.

Will I have to also update all the supporting products before I do the upgrade to 2.4.0  what I mean is things like Perl or rrdtools Linux
here is my current description: Linux smokeping2 #1 SMP Tue Nov 28 13:39:58 UTC 2006 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

I would appreciate all the help I can get on this question as I need to get equipment and other items ordered so I can start whatever process I will be doing.

Thanks in advance.

Robert Mersberger
LAN Consultant, Information Technology
Phone 479-201-3442
Fax 479-478-3837
Email robert.mersberger at goldenliving.com
Golden Living
1000 Fianna Way
Fort Smith, AR 72919

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